Wardington.net is a community resource and is provided at no cost by James Wild who owns the domain name and me, Andrew Steven, who provides hosting and who built the site. We’re delighted that it has been so well-received by the community, however it has the potential to be much better than it currently is and to contain more and more regular content.
There is a questionnaire being prepared as part of the Community Led Plan asking for your opinion about how this site could server you better and I would urge all reading this to participate when the opportunity arises.
In the mean time, I am looking for more contributors to the site. If you would like to take responsibility for writing about an area of village life and making frequent or infrequent contributions to this website, please let me know. It’s very simple to add content and I can show you exactly how it works. Pictures can be very easily added and really enhance the story, so use your smartphone camera. And even if you don’t want to contribute as an editor, why not add your voice by commenting on what others write?
All new content added to the site is sent automatically in an email every Friday morning at about 3am so anything you add will be guaranteed to find an audience. If you would like the updates to be more regular – for instance twice a week or even once per day, please let me know and the schedule can be easily adjusted.
Contributors please come forward! We need information about what’s going on in the pubs, the Memorial Hall and the Church, as well as reports from all the various clubs.
Andrew Steven. 01295 750765 or asteven@asteven.com
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