The Wardington sports field committee was formed with the aims to restore and maintain the playing field and revive the cricket team. Everyone who uses the field will be aware that efforts are being made to achieve this, and huge thanks goes to all those who have been working there and giving their time.

We need to raise funds to purchase necessary equipment, pay bills and to maintain the field, so there will be a 6 a side cricket fun afternoon on the sports field from midday to 6pm on Sunday 16th August

The attached photos show some of the teams who have played over the years, and will be available to look at on the day. If you have any other photos, please bring them along.

There will be a barbecue, licensed bar and raffle. Everyone is welcome – please come along and help us to raise as much as possible to enable us to maintain the field as a facility for everyone to enjoy. The competition is free to enter, prize for the winning team. All proceeds will go directly to the fund for the field.

Any teams who would like to take part, please call Carol on 01295 750645 or Gill on 01295 750640. Any donations of raffle prizes will be very welcome! We look forward to seeing everyone!
