A fire in Upper Wardington caused by dry pine needles and leylandii cuttings is being put out behind Brakespear’s barn as your correspondent is writing. Two fire appliances are on the scene and the fire is now under control. The whole of Upper Wardington came out to see what was happening and once it was established that no people or property were in danger, there was great excitement amongst the children especially. The fire hydrant in the road by the old pool was used to supply water to the fire appliances and the children were on hand to ensure that there was enough torchlight for the firefighters to see the connection!
The fire gave us quite a scare, being so close. We would like to thank those of you who expressed concerns, thinking it might have been our house, and to those who kept a lookout for sparks and offered us a bed and coffee if we needed it. What is most important is that no-one was hurt.
Thankyou to the fire service, a job well done.
Greg and Patricia