Wardington Memorial Hall is a well used community asset.  To ensure that the Memorial Hall is well maintained and fully funded, a number of volunteers donate some their spare time to make this possible.
A vacancy has arisen for the voluntary position of Chair and a new voluntary position of Vice Chair.  The current Chair will be moving from the village, hence the vacancy.
The function of the Chair is to arrange and chair quarterly meetings of the Management Committee who act in a voluntary capacity to ensure the hall is well maintained and well used.  Participating committee members undertake a number of key roles and responsibilities to help with the running of the hall (e.g. Treasurer).  The Chair also has responsibility for the recruitment of new committee members and to oversee all Health and Safety related activities connected with the Memorial Hall (e.g. organise annual electrical inspection).
Vice Chair
The function of the Vice Chair is circulate Management Committee meeting agenda and capture actions.  Stand in for Chair on occasions.
If you are interested in undertaking either of the roles available and wish to help with the running of the Memorial Hall, please contact Paul Bimson the current Chair (bimsonp@binternet.com) or 01295 758855).