
About Kirsty Buttle

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So far Kirsty Buttle has created 12 blog entries.

Village Litter Pick

VILLAGE LITTER PICK SATURDAY 5TH APRIL 2025 @ 11am Litter picking kit will be provided - collect it from Barn Farm Plants at 11am. All are welcome; if you can spare some time that morning then please join us to give the village a spring clean. Any questions please contact Wardington Parish Council: wardingtonparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk 07419 126 206

Notice of Vacancy

NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF PARISH COUNCILLOR PARISH OF WARDINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that Alexandra Gordon-Finlayson has ceased to be a member of Wardington Parish Council, and that a vacancy now exists in the office of Councillor for the said Parish Council. In accordance with the Local Elections Rules an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if, within 14 days after the date of this notice (i.e. no later than 30 December 2024), a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Cherwell District Council, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury OX15 4AA by TEN electors for the

Wardington Parish Council Response to Huscote Farm Planning Appeal

The following objection has been submitted to the planning inspectorate on behalf of Wardington Parish Council in relation to the Huscote Farm planning appeal: Wardington Parish Council supports the Objections raised by Parish Councils in West Northants including our neighbouring Parish of Chacombe The Objections submitted by Wardington Parish Council  are as follows: Summary: The size of the proposed development Yet more unsightly warehousing The employment created will be mainly low skilled and low paid Not consistent with the CDC Local Plan and its aspirations It will put yet more pressure on the already congested and air polluted Junction 11 area It will result in the permanent loss of an environmentally and visually important area of countryside 1.The Size of

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FREE CPR and Defibrillator Training Session

Cardiac Arrest or a heart attack can happen to anyone. When it does, having someone on hand who knows how to perform CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and use a defibrillator is critical and can save a life. We have had a defibrillator in place in Wardington for some time but many people have told us in the past they would not be confident in using resuscitation techniques or in using the defibrillator. In response to this the Parish Council has arranged a Defibrillator and CPR Training session for parishioners with the support of St John Ambulance which will take place from 10:30am to 12-12:30pm at Wardington Memorial Hall on Saturday 28th September. All are welcome to attend (including responsible teenagers

Defibrillator and CPR Training in Wardington

Cardiac Arrest or a heart attack can happen to anyone. When it does, having someone on hand who knows how to perform CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and use a defibrillator is critical and can save a life. We have had a defibrillator in place in Wardington for some time but many people have told us in the past they would not be confident in using resuscitation techniques or in using the defibrillator. In response to this the Parish Council has arranged a Defibrillator and CPR Training session for parishioners with the support of St John Ambulance which will take place from 10:30am to 12-12:30pm at Wardington Memorial Hall on Sunday 10th September. All are welcome to attend. You are welcome

Parish Council Elections May 2023

Parish Council elections for all 7 places on the council will take place on 4th May 2023. If you are interested in putting yourself forward to join the Parish Council but you have some questions about what this entails please feel free to contact the Parish Clerk - Kirsty Buttle - on wardingtonparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk who will be happy to discuss this with you. For further information regarding the elections please see https://www.cherwell.gov.uk/info/11/elections/1042/elections-2023 Nomination papers may be obtained by downloading and printing a copy from https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/candidate-or-agent/parish-council-elections-england ,emailing elections@cherwell-dc.gov.uk or telephoning 01295 221534. Paper copies may be obtained from the offices of the Returning Officer, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, Oxon OX15 4AA, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You may also obtain nomination papers

Defibrillator and CPR Training in Wardington

Cardiac Arrest or a heart attack can happen to anyone. When it does, having someone on hand who knows how to perform CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and use a defibrillator is critical and can save a life. We have had a defibrillator in place in Wardington for some time but many people have told us in the past they would not be confident in using resuscitation techniques or in using the defibrillator. In response to this the Parish Council has arranged a Defibrillator and CPR Training session for parishioners with the support of St John Ambulance which will take place from 8:30am to 10:30am at Wardington Memorial Hall on Wednesday 15th March. All are welcome to attend. You are welcome

Communication with Stagecoach re the 200 bus service

Please see below communication between Cllr Malcolm Patterson and Stagecoach re the 200 bus service: 'Dear Mr Harrison Stagecoach 200 Bus Service between Banbury & Daventry and stopping in Wardington/Williamscot As you are no doubt aware Stagecoach announced the closure of this hourly service in February. There was a stay of execution until August to allow for consultations. This extension was funded by Northants CC and Oxfordshire CC. A further postponement until January 2023 has been agreed. We understand this is being funded solely by West Northants Unitary Authority. While most of the route is in Northamptonshire, we in this corner of Oxfordshire benefit enormously from it. Banbury also benefits. The people of West Northamptonshire are able to use public