The Hare & Hounds
Hello Everyone on Wardington.net
Wow what a friendly welcoming community you are THANK YOU. Read on for the opening day plans!
We would like to give you a private and more detailed update on The Hare and Hounds, only so much you can fit in on Facebook.
We are only 1 week away from receiving the keys now, exciting. The Star is, this week, starting to look very empty as we prepare to move pubs, a real shame there is no one to take it over as yet.
You will have seen Hook Norton Brewery have already started work on The Hare and Hounds for us. They are doing the remedial work that is needed and making our private accommodation liveable for our family. Hook Norton have always supported us, and we appreciate them for this. It certainly helps us and them that we have a good relationship.
We will be doing all of the work downstairs in the pub ourselves, with help from friends and family. My parents (Niki’s) will be making a start on the garden for us tomorrow, whilst we are still busy running The Star and getting as much organised as we can for The Hare and Hounds before we move. Feel free to say hello to them (Den & Pam) they like a good natter, although do not stop them working for too long unless you are good at weeding too.
Yes, the rumours are true we are going to be having a games room for the darts and pool players. This will also be a room where the younger generation can chill out, have a good catch up, watch TV and eat if they want to. Of course, older ones can still use it if you are prepared to tolerate the younger ones, as it will be primarily a games room for them. We will be making sure they are considerate with their noise levels to our neighbours!
We will also be letting everyone know that if they make good use of the games rooms IT STAYS and will be made usable for the winter months. If it only gets used once or twice a week IT GOES and it will either become Steve’s garage for his Jaguar or stables for my horses. That debate between us will come at a later date if needed (horses will definitely win, just saying).
To survive, The Hare and Hounds does need to be able to serve as much food as possible meaning the bar and restaurant both need to have tables. This does NOT MEAN you are not welcome to simply drink in the bar, there is room for both. There will also still be a TV in the bar.
So here we go!
We plan to reopen The Hare and Hounds on Sunday 4th August at 12 noon.
FREE buffet throughout the day/evening.
Cheeseboards as well as buffet food for all.
Please come and meet us, see what we have done and help us eat the food. We are doing the opening from 12 noon instead of an evening opening; this way your children can be involved too. Dogs are also very welcome (can we please ask that they are on a lead, thank you).
The inside of the pub as well as the games room should hopefully be finished, we have everything crossed we find no nasty surprises to slow us down. The gardens will be presentable and safe for the children, although not completely finished, this will be ongoing to get it just right. We have 4 days to achieve this humongous task, we cannot count the 30th July owing to valuers being on site at both pubs, and endless amounts of signing and moving to do. Please bear with us.
It just leaves me to say now WE CANNOT WAIT we look forward to seeing you all VERY SOON
Steve, Niki, Millie and what will soon be renamed as ‘The Hare Team’