General interest

Superfast Broadband

At last Superfast Broadband has arrived in Wardington and you can place an order immediately. The Openreach website for more details is here: The number to call to place an order is with BT is 0800 111 4567, although you can use a large number of different suppliers, details on the Openreach website:  

Village defibrillator

I was wondering if anyone in the village is interested in setting up a group to consider raising money to get a defibrillator for the village? This might include a course for learning how to use it (which would take about 20 minutes) and training up as many people as possible in first aid. Please email all expressions of interest to John Rourke of Taylor's Cottage

Wardington Playing Fields

We have been asked to publish the following notice regarding public liability on the sports field in Wardington: THE SPORTS FIELD AND BUILDING ARE PRIVATELY OWNED THEREFORE PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL AND ANY USERS OF BOTH THE SPORTS FIELD AND THE SPORTS PAVILION DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. THE OWNERS AND/OR MANAGEMENT WILL NOT ACCEPT LIABILITY FOR ANY ACCIDENTS, DAMAGE OR LOSS INCURRED. For clarification or further information please contact Robert Harwood on behalf of the Pease family at


Over two hundred from the village and further afield flocked to the Manor for a most enjoyable afternoon at the Fete last Sunday. The weather finally came good and the sunglasses and hats were much needed. There was fun on hand for all ages and soon the twenty or so attractions were doing brisk trade with the Garden Club plant stall and Air Ambulance stall both selling out completely. Meanwhile the Morris Dancers, including the Vicar as a volunteer dancer, added plenty of colour in the centre of the lawn. The hot dog BBQ and cream teas were busy throughout along with the Pimms bar being drunk almost dry! Most importantly - the occasion raised the amazing sum of almost

Safari Supper reminder

Remember to book your tickets for this year's Safari Supper on Friday 19th June. Either download the ticket application form or phone Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087. Meet at the church at 7:15 for Pimms and canapés. Go for a main course with your allocated host. Gather for cheese and pudding (and maybe a couple of extra glasses of something) at the Memorial Hall.

HS2 Meeting

For those who didn't manage to attend the HS2 action meeting in the Memorial Hall this evening, a copy of the slides can be accessed by clicking here. All are encouraged to write to our MP, Victoria Prentis, to express our collective concern about the impact of HS2 construction traffic on Wardington and the A361 in general. Her email address is Please keep any eye on the new HS2 page on this website.

Safari Supper Friday 19th June

Remember to book your tickets for this year's Safari Supper. Either download the ticket application form or phone Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087. Meet at the church at 7:15 for Pimms and canapés. Go for a main course with your allocated host. Gather for cheese and pudding (and maybe a couple of extra glasses of something) at the Memorial Hall. EVERYBODY is welcome. It's a great opportunity for new members of our community to meet fellow residents and for all of us to enjoy this ever-popular event and raise funds to support The Friends of St. Mary Magdalene.

HS2 Community Meeting REMINDER

A reminder that there is a community meeting TOMORROW EVENING, Tuesday 19th May, at 7:30pm in the Memorial Hall, to discuss the very serious environmental implications of HS2, including the huge volume of construction traffic anticipated on the A361. This meeting is intended for residents of Wardington, Williamscot and Coton to listen to the Parish Council's plans and to voice their own opinions. There will be follow-up meetings with members of Oxordshire CC, your local MP Victoria Prentis and others in authority. It is vital that as many as possible attend tomorrow evening. We need to be of one mind and mobilised as a community to ensure the best outcome.

Wardington Cinema – This Friday Night! (15th May)

Please join us at the Wardington Memorial Hall at 7.30 this Friday evening (15th May) for another fantastic film night, when we will be showing "The Theory of Everything": The Theory of Everything is a British biographical coming of age romantic drama film directed by James Marsh and adapted by Anthony McCarten from the memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen by Jane Wilde Hawking, which deals with her relationship with her ex-husband, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, his diagnosis of motor neuron disease, and his success in physics. The film stars Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones with Charlie Cox, Emily Watson, Simon McBurney, Christian McKay, and David Thewlis featured in supporting roles. Please Please Please let us know if you plan

HS2 Implications for Wardington, Williamscot & Coton

Briefing Session and Discussion Tuesday May 19 in the Memorial Hall at 7.30pm The construction of HS2 will have major traffic implications for the Parish. At 7.30pm on Tuesday May 19 the Parish Council will lead a discussion on HS2. It will outline the approach it is taking and listen to the concerns and ideas of those present. It is likely an action group will need to be formed to help take matters forward. This meeting will follow immediately from the Parish Council AGM which starts at 7.00pm Please come along. Wardington Parish Council