[Chair], Mrs Pascoe [Vice Chair], Mr Hornby, Mr Bankes, Mr Murray, Mr Page, Dist Cllr Atack, Mr Fenemore and Mr Harwood [Clerk ] MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Agreed and signed by the Chair.


It was decided that with the Memorial Hall unheated and due for closure the council would hold the next meeting at The Hare & Hounds on Dec 7th (no meeting scheduled for November as recess) and would reimburse Mrs Wixey for usage.


i. The New Memorial Hall – granted permission subject to conditions (10/01018/F).
ii Lindale – permission granted for the gates and entrance with conditions (10/01133/F)
Copies of planning decisions are available from the Clerk or from Cherwell District Council.

No new plans had been received


Mr Hornby reported that Quotations were now being received to progress 1st stage works on the Old Pool Area and it was decided that a consultation meeting with residents would be held in November to involve them in the final decision process. Date and location to be advised by the clerk.

Parish Accounts and Quarterly Forecast presented for Inspection together with Bank Statements-These were Inspected and Approved by all members.

Precept for 2011/12 to be decided at December meeting for the January deadline.

The following cheques were presented together with the relevant invoices and approved for payment:

Playground a/c Cheques 100484 £20 P Stanley 1st Prize Sept draw
100485 £10 J Heritage 2nd —-ditto
100486 £20 A Kearse 1st Prize Oct draw
100487 £10 M Penfold 2nd —-ditto

WPC Current a/c 100653 £693.25 Grass Cutting [HH Wadland] Invoice 198
100654 This cheque was turned over in error and has been voided
100655 £346.63 Grass Cutting[HH Wadland] Invoice 201


The Williamscot Account and it’s status was discussed. The Parish Council again expressed its’ concern regarding the high amount of money held in the account relative to the precept with no expenditure currently being committed and also in the light of the auditors’ comments following the recent audit.

Mr Bankes, chair of the Williamscot Committee agreed that the committee would hold a meeting as soon as convenient to discuss these funds held and produce plans for expenditure.

Mr Bankes requested that it be minuted that Williamscot ticket monies received were in no way a ‘slush fund’ but were compensation for the noise and disturbance of the festival to Williamscot residents. It was duly noted in council that whilst funds were held within Parish Council accounts that the Committee should be run and expenditure made within Parish Council statutory rules and regulations.


Mrs Wild reported that a new item of equipment [log trail] was agreed on with change to be notified and agreed with Cherwell District Council regarding the grant awarded.

The RoSPA Annual safety inspection had been completed and was satisfactory less some minor repairs to fencing, cleaning of equipment and trimming of overhanging trees needed which have now been scheduled. The lack of signage to the playground had again been commented upon.

Mrs Wild declared that she had authorised payments from the playground account for the fence and tree repairs as they were very essential and each item was under £110. No objections to these payments were declared.

7. NAG

Mrs Wild reported that police priorities had been revised as Speeding and Anti Social Behaviour/ Graffiti as identified by the residents’ questionnaire survey carried out over the Summer and that work on these had already started. Speed surveys were being carried out in the villages with the involvement of residents via the Community Speedwatch initiative.


A new Cherwell District Council ‘Drop In’ Mobile District Council Surgery bus was given the go-ahead to visit Wardington – details to follow.

The gift of an Oak Tree from a Cropredy resident:
Council decided that this tree would be planted on the grassed area in front of the ‘Old Fish Pond’.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2030 hrs.



Dated the / / 2010