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Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday November 25 2014 at 7.30pm in Wardington Mermorial Hall

In Attendance:  Mr G Page (Chair), Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr N Bankes, Mr R Fenemore, Mr G Martin, Mr J Murray, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson

Apologies: None

Parishioners and Visitors: Mr Mr Mitchell Hickman, Mr Clive Hunt, Mr David Gowton (Director, Escapes Landscaping Ltd)

Minutes of the Previous Meeting (October 7): Agreed and signed

1. Matters Arising

1.1. Social Housing

Amanda Pascoe reported on a message from Tom McCulloch of ORCC stating the current affordable housing need in local Oxfordshire villages was Wardington 2, Cropredy 2, Bourtons 2.

The Council asked if an affordable housing scheme was necessary at all as there are already plans for new housing in Cropredy and the Bourtons. Could affordable housing be incorporated into these? George Page asked if any development in Wardington could include housing for residents beyond the affordable housing stage?

Ken Atack agreed to make enquiries at CDC and arrange a meeting for himself and George Page to attend.

1.2. Grass Cutting

Mr Gowton, our grass cutting contractor, was thanked for attending. It was accepted that 2014 had been a difficult year because of the continuous growth of grass but the Council said the quality of grass cutting had not been as good as we would have liked or were used to. Specific complaints had been made to the operatives at times. Mr Gowton said he had not been aware of the situation.

It was agreed that he would be told personally about any problems in the future. The Council also agreed to consider, at the time, whether 12 cuts a year were sufficient and whether the timing was right. Mr Gowton said he only needed a week’s notice of an extra cut requirement.

1.3. The Warbler

A letter from Henri Senn (Editor) was fully discussed. It was agreed that her request to reduce the number of editions from 4/yr to 3/yr, while not what the Council or the people in the parish would have chosen, was acceptable if it enabled her to continue. It was also agreed that advertising rates for commercial enterprises would be increased from the New Year to £15/full page/edition and £10/half page or less/edition for regular advertisers. One off advertisements would be £20. Charities and village organisations would continue to be free.

It was agreed that the invoicing and collection of payments from advertisers must be more disciplined from the New Year.

Henri Senn was thanked for what she did and assured it was much appreciated.

2. New CDC Development Plan for M40 Junction 11/A361

Following press coverage locally, Clive Hunt gave a presentation about the CDC plan to develop the 40ha of land within Oxfordshire alongside the A361 north east of M40 junction 11. He wanted to ensure the Parish Council was aware of the implications and hoped they would oppose the project, ideally in conjunction with other bodies both in Oxfordshire and South Northamptonshire. He reported that the official hearings on the whole plan begin on December 9 and the hearing for this particular part of it (known as Banbury 15) on December 23. He said that the Oxfordshire Branch of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England was making a submission.

Ken Atack said that he could not support opposition because of his position on Cherwell District Council. He did not know what action, if any, other parishes and South Northants District Council intended to take, but offered to provide contact details.

It was left that Malcolm Patterson, on behalf of the Parish Council, would liaise with Mr Hunt.

3. Community Led Plan

Malcolm Patterson reported that it was hoped to make copies of the results of the questionnaire available to every house in the parish by Christmas. Following that, a meeting is due to be held in the Memorial Hall on January 24 to discuss the findings and appoint groups of volunteers to address specific key projects. He also reported that to have the 280 copies of the report printed commercially in colour would cost £1680. This could not be afforded.

Council members suggested reducing this by using the internet and not having as many printed copies. Jamie Murray reminded Council that there were still many people in the parish who did not use the internet. Nigel Bankes thought a short summary containing the main action points would be adequate for most people.

It was agreed that the decision must be left to the CLP steering group but the Council would contribute £250 to printing costs.

4. Williamscot Noticeboard

Points about the condition of the noticeboard were raised. George Martin kindly agreed to take it in hand.

5. Planning

14/01671/F (Francis Tuthill Ltd.) Extension and alterations to workshop and office. No objections.

14/01788/F Mr P Hornby. Demolish garage and replace. No objections.

Thomas Bell. Tree felling. No objections.

Mrs Humber. Fell and reduce trees. No objections.

6. Finance

6.1. Cheques authorised:

100765 ETYPE PRESS. Flyers to advertise Clerk vacancy. £15.00

100766 Roger Gooding. Warbler Printing. £69.00

6.2.VAT Returns: Ken Atack recommended Council submitted returns quarterly.

6.3. Parish Council e-mail: Amanda Pascoe reminded Councillors to keep an eye on the Parish Council e-mail inbox. The address is on the back page of The Warbler.

7. AOB

7.1. Robert Fenemore led a discussion on Article 4, the subject Mr Miles had raised at the last meeting. It was agreed to let the proposed timetable of 28 days of consultation followed by a roll-out over 12 months take its course.

7.2. Ken Atack updated Council on the Local Heritage Assets scheme.

The meeting closed at 9.25pm. George Page thanked Mitchell Hickman for attending.

Dates for meetings for 2015 will be decided at the next meeting which will be on Tuesday January 13 at 7.30.



George Page, Chair, Wardington Parish Council