Plans have been resubmitted for the redevelopment of land to the east of the M40 at the A361 junction to include two large distribution warehouses with 32 loading bays between them and a possible third warehouse of similar size, over 200 car parking spaces and 40 HGV parking bays.
The planning officer responsible is Bernadette Owens (
Your Parish Council has already objected to this application and if you would also like to object, there is still a week left to email the Planning Department. You are therefore urged to email as soon as possible.
The planning application reads as follows:
19/00128/HYBRID | Part A: Full planning application – the development of a new priority junction to the A361, internal roads and associated landscaping with 2 no. commercial buildings having a maximum floorspace of 33,110m2 and with a flexible use [to enable changes in accordance with Part 6 Class V of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended)] within Class B2 or B8 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended, and ancillary Class B1 offices; and Part B: Outline planning application – the development of up to 2 no. commercial buildings having a maximum floorspace of 16,890m2 and having a flexible use [to enable changes in accordance with Part 6 Class V of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended)] within Class B2 or B8 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended, and ancillary Class B1 offices, with all other matters reserved for future approval. | Ban 15 Land Adj M40 J11 And West Of Daventry Road Banbury
Site plans can be seen as follows:
Points in support of an objection and against this development include
- Traffic congestion on A361 and M40 roundabout
- HS2 construction traffic will be present at the same time and pose a real danger during construction
- The plans are in contravention of the CDC Local Plan 2011-2030
- There is no need for a development such as this
- The Planners are urged to examine the impact on the Human environment of developments such as this in respect to the reduction in environmental quality, congestion, pollution, and quality of life.
I have just submitted the following objection:
Dear Ms Owens,
I am writing to register my objection to planning application 19/00128/HYBRID in the strongest possible terms. An application for a similar development has already been rejected and simply by slightly modifying the application, the developers are cynically hoping that this time they might get the plan through.
There is no need for this development, it fulfils no purpose other than to enrich the applicants and moreover will do huge damage to the human environment. By this, I mean the environment of all those who live in the surrounding areas, who use the A361 and M40 roundabout every day and who value the green fields and absence of development to the east of the M40 at Banbury.
HS2 construction is due to start soon, and this will bring a potential 1,000 lorries per day up and down the A361, around the very dangerous final corner on to the roundabout, right where this development is proposed. This would compound a potential already very serious and dangerous situation.
I urge the Planning Committee to reject this application and to advise the applicants to cease their endless attempts to build something, anything, on this site. It is not needed and not welcome.
Yours faithfully,
Andrew Steven
I agree with the comments on the proposed scheme from Mt. Andrew Stevens. There is already a proposed distribution centre to be located at on the A423 at the roundabout to Dukes Meadow. The traffic generated will no doubt cause delays to other road users getting access to Banbury Town Centre or access to the M40. This delay would be exaggerated by traffic generated by this proposal.
If it can be shown that the development of the distribution centre proposed on the A361 is essential, then a separate entry/exit to the site should be provided directly off J11 roundabout – not on to the A361 as shown on the diagram. This may require the A361 access road to be relocated towards the A422 exit
Each access road to J11 should be signalled with sufficient green time given to each phase to enable traffic to reach all other exits from the roundabout without further restriction. Priority should be given to the M40 exits to prevent traffic backing up on to the motorway and then priority to the longest queue of traffiic waiting on other access points to the junction.