It was noted that the Geoff Amos village bus service had been reduced with the first and last buses removed. The Clerk had contacted the company who stated that it was for financial reasons due to the loss of county council subsidies and the services not being used enough to be viable without the subsidies.

The clerk was to again request the salting of the bus route through the village as this was not being done and also down by the Hare where the slope is used extensively by delivery vehicles and for turning.

Reduction in window size at development at Church Cottage – 10/01655/F. Council raised no objections.

Clerk has written to OCC pushing for weight restriction and diversion policing – response stated that the closure of the A361 was the responsibility of Northants CC. Clerk has sent Northants CC the same letter with response awaited.


Notes from the public meeting held on 16th November at The Plough to discuss the old pool area project has been circulated. The scheme to install concrete grass cell blocks to the eroded section had been agreed at the meeting. Council decided to proceed SUBJECT TO permissions and funding. Clerk to apply for required permissions in the interim period.


Williamscot Fund:
Traffic calming measures in the form of speed indicator signs both ends of the have been agreed by the Williamscot committee and subject to a OCC survey it is hoped that this will be agreed by Highways and proceed at an approximate cost of £8,000. This will reduce the overall reserves to a more acceptable level for Audit and in relation to the precept.

Precept for 2011-2012
Council agreed that the Parish Precept for 2011/12 should remain at the current level of £10,000.


The recent bad weather has delayed the installation of the new item of equipment.


Councillors expressed concerns that there has been no definitive closure date for the Hall or recent information about progress on the new hall. It was agreed that more frequent and wider communication would maintain interest and support for the project in the village. The chair agreed to suggest to the Hall Committee that progress bulletins or minutes from meetings be sent out.


Chair reported back from the recent Cherwell CD parish liaison meeting.
Main points:
Reduction of at least 20% in central government funding to councils. (Concern expressed by parish councillors that next year would see cuts to village services such as grants for grass cutting).
New and enhanced services offered to village communities were described and literature circulated. These included advice on home energy efficiency improvements (eg loan of a thermal camera), assistance with village websites and the rural advice bus.
Planning changes from next April – applications will only be published in The OXFORD TIMES and on the CDC website and neighbours will no longer receive copies of planning with responsibility to displaying notice and informing neighbours now on the applicant. A fee for PRE APLLICATION advice will be payable.
Any CDC planning applications will be emailed in full to Parish Clerks.

9. AOB

Request received from Neil Forbes to install two posts to stop vehicles churning up the corner of the grass verge opposite his home.
Mrs Wild to consult with Mr Forbes before requesting permission for work from highways.

The Tree Gift
Due to the adverse cold weather, The Clerk and Clive Hunt agreed to delay the ceremony until further notice.