Elf at Wardington Village Cinema this Friday 18th December – Doors open earlier than usual at 6.45pm
This is a reminder that we are screening Elf at Wardington Village Cinema this coming Friday (18th December). Please do join us for this wonderful festive family film for all ages, please note the earlier than usual start time (doors open 6.45 pm for a 7.30 pm) which it is hoped will encourage younger villagers to attend. Mulled wine and Mince Pies will be served prior to the start of the film, included in the ticket price of £7.50 (£5.50 concessions). Not many people have yet let us know if they plan to attend the film night, so please let us know as soon as possible by calling Sam Young on 750871 or Paul Bimson on 758855 or by emailing wardingtoncinema@hotmail.com so that we