
Wardington update from OCC Highways

Wardington update from OCC Highways Following last Tuesday's meeting (28/01/2025) with Matthew Timms, OCC Highways Engagement, he has reported the following actions for Wardington. As requested, a couple of the urgent potholes on Edgcote Road have been made safe this week. A thorough inspection of the carriageway and footway surfaces on Edgcote Road, Thorpe Road, Wardington Road, and the link road between Thorpe Road will occur during the week commencing the 3rd of February. Areas meeting the criteria of our Highway Safety Inspection Policy will be actioned accordingly. For further guidance, please refer to Oxfordshire County Council's road repairs page -  Our Cyclical Maintenance Team will reach out to Steve (site manager) from The Manor to discuss proposals around

Flood in Thorpe Road, Upper Wardington.

Flood in Thorpe Road, Upper Wardington. Wardington Parish Council have been trying to resolve this problem since November 2024. Jetting of the drains was arranged very quickly but did not solve the problem. In early December following the heavy rains the flooding was reported to OCC Highway, Engagement Team, who forward this info to the ‘land drainage officer’ to get together as soon as they are available and see what’s going on with the gully pipe and exit line into the marsh land adjacent. There was no time scale given as when this may be acted on. Prior to last evenings parish council meeting the parish clerk chased OCC again on this urgent issue, with the following reply :- “that


The draw took place this morning. Congratulations to the winners who are: 1  Long week-end in Yorkshire Dales             Alison Baker 2  Christmas Hamper                                           Barbara Cochrane 3  Meal for two at Hare & Hounds                   Deborah Page 4  Gin Mixing Cocktail Kit                                   Ginny Steven 5  Champagne                                                       

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot Following the temporary closure of the A361 the Stagecoach 200 Bus Service to Banbury has been unable to run. The Parish Council again has been in contact with the ABILITY Local Community Bus Service who are able to help. Originally the Ability service was setup in April 2022 following the notification that Stagecoach were to withdraw the Daventry to Banbury service. However, this did not happen and the Ability service was rarely used. Ability are able to operate a regular service into Banbury on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If you require another route, let ABILITY know. Future services will depend on supply and demand. There are 3 different membership categories: Pick-up and

Flood in Upper Wardington

Flood in Upper Wardington Wardington Parish Council have been in contact with OCC Engagement Team for Highway Maintenance  regarding this problem. Since then, the drains have been pumped but with no significant result. The issue has now been escalated via the OCC Engagement team to the Land Drainage Officer and we have stressed that this is an emergency priority. When action will be taken, we have no time frame, we can only hope that it is sooner rather than later. The parish council understand that residents are becoming more and more disgruntled. However, the parish council cannot resolve the problem on its own, it can only report and apply pressure to the responsible authorities. Wardington Parish Council