
Wardington – Notice of road improvements and overnight road closures.

Wardington -  Notice of road improvements and overnight road closures. Fusion on behalf of HS2 have given Advanced Works Notice of local road closures. Duration of works: The closure works will begin in mid-July and will be completed in early August. Continued weekday traffic light lane closures until August. Overnight full road closures: 8:00pm – 6:00am weekday road closures What to expect: Full overnight road closures. Increased in traffic and journey times. Highway works. Summary of closure dates: Dates                                      Duration        Road Closure           Location 13 July to 16 July                 4 Nights         A361                           Puffin Crossing 17 July and 20 July             2 Nights         A361                           Puffin Crossing 27 July and 28 July             2 Nights         A361                          

Services via Zoom

ST MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH WARDINGTON Vicar: Revd HILARY CAMPBELL   Tel: 01295 750385  JUNE / JULY  ZOOM SERVICES  TWICE WEEKLY THE VICAR IS CURRENTLY LEADING SHORT SERVICES OF PRAYERS VIA THE ZOOM FACILITY ***************  EVERY SUNDAY – 10.00am Shires Edge Benefice Sunday Prayers ***************  EVERY TUESDAY – 12.00noon Prayer in the Day for Ordinary Time  ****************  For ‘invitation’ and link details, please contact Hilary on: 01295 750385 or    

Chipping Warden A361 road closure update – 19/06 – 22/06/2020

Chipping Warden  A361 road closure update – 19/06 – 22/06/2020 Duration of works: The closure works will begin Friday, 19 June from 8:00pm and will continue until the morning of Monday, 22 June 2020 at 6:00am What to expect: The full weekend closure of the A361 with diversion routes in place. Increased journey times. Local movement of our equipment and staff while the works are taking place Some noise from our equipment and lighting around our worksite.   For full details of the closure and work schedule please read the information sheets provided in the links below. A361 CW Road Closure Welsh Rd - 19th June CW and WR Full road closure (Commonplace) June 20   Wardington Parish Council

Chipping Warden A361 road closure update – 12/06 – 15/06/2020

Chipping Warden  A361 road closure update – 12/06 – 15/06/2020 Duration of works: The closure works will begin Friday, 12 June from 8:00pm and will continue until the morning of Monday, 15 June 2020 at 6:00am What to expect: The full weekend closure of the A361 with diversion routes in place. Increased journey times. Local movement of our equipment and staff while the works are taking place Some noise from our equipment and lighting around our worksite.   For full details of the closure and work schedule please read the information sheet provided in the link below. A361 CW Road Closure Welsh Rd - 12th June (01)   Wardington Parish Council

Chipping Warden North A361 road closure update – 29/05 – 02/06/2020

Chipping Warden North A361 road closure update - 29/05 - 02/06/2020 Duration of works: The closure works will begin Friday, 29 May from 8:00pm and will continue until the morning of Monday, 01 June 2020 at 6:00am What to expect: The full weekend closure of the A361 with traffic management on the road Increased journey times following the signposted diversion route Local movement of our equipment and staff while the works are taking place Some noise from our equipment and lighting around our worksite.   For full details of the closure and work schedule please read the information sheet provided in the link below. A361 CW Road Closure Update 29 May~01 June 20   Wardington Parish Council

Update – Wardington A361 Roadworks

Update - Wardington A361 Roadworks We have been advised by Fusion, on behalf of HS2, that work will restart on the widening of the road, by the entrance for Tuthill Business Park, on Tuesday 26th May. The location, referred to as 'Widening 2' is due to be completed by the end of June 2020. These works will be done in 2 stages to maintain public vehicle access. A361 traffic light control will be in place and will be conducted in normal working hours between 8:00am to 6:00pm. Please use the link below for full details: Wardington Update road widening works 2 Other works on 'Widening 3', by The Hare and Hounds, should start early June 2020. The Puffin Crossing by

Chipping Warden south A361 road closure update – 15/05 – 18/05/2020

Chipping Warden south A361 road closure update – 15/05 – 18/05/2020 Duration of works: The closure works will begin Friday, 15 May from 8:00pm and will continue until the morning of Monday, 18 May 2020 at 6:00am What to expect: The full weekend closure of the A361 with traffic management on the road Increased journey times following the signposted diversion route Local movement of our equipment and staff while the works are taking place Some noise from our equipment and lighting around our worksite.   For full details of the closure and work schedule please read the information sheet provided in the link below. A361 CW Road Closure Update 15~ 18 May 20   Wardington Parish Council

CONSULTATION – A361 Banbury Road southern end (Wardington) Proposed 30mph Speed Limit Extension

Letter from Oxfordshire County Council: Following an earlier consultation carried out in November/December 2018 regarding the proposals to introduce a new Puffin crossing on the A361 Banbury Road, and extend the 30mph speed limit at the northern end of Wardington, Oxfordshire County Council is now consulting on an additional proposal to help further mitigate the increase in traffic linked to the HS2 construction works. Specifically the proposal seeks to extend the 30mph speed limit at the south end of the village by 73 metres, reducing the length of the existing 50mph speed limit by the same amount. In light of this, please find the following consultation documents attached: Public Notice, Statement of Reasons, Consultation Plan, Draft Traffic Regulation Order. The proposed

Chipping Warden south A361 road closure update – 24/04 – 27/04/2020

Chipping Warden south A361 road closure update - 24/04 - 27/04/2020 Duration of works: The closure works will begin Friday, 24 April from 8:00pm and will continue until the morning of Monday, 27 April 2020 at 6:00am What to expect: The full weekend closure of the A361 with traffic management on the road Increased journey times following the signposted diversion route Local movement of our equipment and staff while the works are taking place Some noise from our equipment and lighting around our worksite.   For full details of the closure and work schedule please read the information sheet provided in the link below. A361 CW Road Closure Update 24~ 27 April 20 FINAL   Wardington Parish Council  

HS2 / Fusion update to road works

HS2 / Fusion update to the A361 road works through Wardington. Widening 1 ( adjacent to Old Bonhams) is now complete – Temporary barriers were removed in error last weekend and are now back up. Fusion will be reviewing the embankment slope with their design team and Oxfordshire Highways in the coming weeks. This may not be a quick review due to Covid 19, as inspection of the works may not be deemed by others as a priority. Widening 2 (Wardington House) Phase 2 - rear access to Wardington House nursing home and to Tuthill Business Park will restart once the Covid 19 social distancing measures are relaxed. Pedestrian Crossing - under review and may start after Easter once Fusion