VOLUNTEER LINK UP SCHEME – a note from Rosie White
VOLUNTEER LINK UP SCHEME - a note from Rosie White I am offering support to set up a Good Neighbour Scheme in your area, or to those of you with a schemes already, to help possibly expand what you do. I am funded by AgeUK in partnership with Volunteer Link Up to help communities across Oxfordshire. Cherwell District Council’s 2018-2019 Business Plan set out three strategic priorities, one of which was to create ‘Thriving Communities and Wellbeing’. One of three aims within this was to adopt The ‘Good Neighbour’ model to target social isolation and loneliness. What is a Good Neighbour Scheme: Good Neighbour Schemes are local voluntary groups which offer a service in their community e.g. transport, befriending
Using What3Words
Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue are now using what3words. This means if you need to contact the police and are having trouble describing where you are, you can use the app to tell them your exact location. what3words has labelled every 3m x 3m square in the world with an address made of three random words from the dictionary. For example, the 3 word address of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square is ///this.fantastic.notes All you need to do is download the free what3words app. You’ll be able to see and share the 3 word address of your current location and also find out the 3 word address of your home (by typing in your address and selecting the square containing your front
Please note that the Warbler deadline has been brought forward due to the printers altering deadlines. All items for inclusion in the February issue should be sent to wardingtonwarbler@gmail.com before 20th January. Many thanks
Tai Chi Classes in Wardington
TAI CHI Gentle movement for health and wellbeing at Wardington Memorial Hall Jan / Feb 2020 Programme Tuesdays January 7th 10:00 – 11:00am January 14th 2:00 – 3:00pm January 21st 10:00 – 11:00am January 28th 10:00 – 11:00am February 4th 10:00 – 11:00am February 11th 2:00 – 3:00pm February 18th 10:00 – 11:00am February 25th 10:00 – 11:00am * * * * * * * * * * For further details contact: 01295 758084 * * * *
Grit bins
If you are out and about walking over the festive period, please keep an eye on the grit bins levels. If you see a bin that is very low on grit, please report it on fixmystreet.com with the location of the bin. (Instructions can be found in the August Warbler about how to do this.) Many thanks and Merry Christmas!
A Peal for Evelyn Phillips tomorrow morning, starting at 9:30am
A group of experienced ringers from the Banbury & Oxford areas will be coming to ring a peal on the Wardington bells on Saturday 14th December; they will start ringing at about 9.30a.m. and the peal will take approximately 3 hours. Peals are normally rung to mark something special, which may be local or national, and this peal is being rung in appreciation of Mrs Evelyn Phillips and to celebrate her 100th and 101st birthdays. What is a peal? Nowadays it indicates a minimum of 5,040 changes – where two bells change place – but there is also a long list of rules, some of which are: Every bell must sound at every row of six blows throughout the peal.
A Peal for Evelyn Phillips on Saturday 14th December
A group of experienced ringers from the Banbury & Oxford areas will be coming to ring a peal on the Wardington bells on Saturday 14th December; they will start ringing at about 9.30a.m. and the peal will take approximately 3 hours. Peals are normally rung to mark something special, which may be local or national, and this peal is being rung in appreciation of Mrs Evelyn Phillips and to celebrate her 100th and 101st birthdays. What is a peal? Nowadays it indicates a minimum of 5,040 changes – where two bells change place – but there is also a long list of rules, some of which are: Every bell must sound at every row of six blows throughout the peal.
REMINDER: Fusion (HS2) – Community session at The Hare and Hounds
Fusion (HS2) – Community session at the Hare and Hounds Fusion, working on behalf of HS2, have started work preparing to widen the existing road at the three corners on the A361 within Wardington, installing a puffin crossing and other associated road improvements. Fusion are holding bi-weekly community sessions locally. Their objective is to give Wardington residents some reassurance that if they have any issues or concerns they will be dealt with quickly. These are informal sessions to share information about the roadworks and all road closures that will occur in the area over the next months. The next Wardington session will be held at: The Hare and Hounds, Wardington between 4:00pm and 7:00pm : Wednesday, 4th December, 2019 Please
Puddle problem
As you may be aware the main road in Upper Wardington is frustratingly still flooded. Oxfordshire County Council Highways were informed from the outset (both via fixmystreet and on the telephone) and have been out to assess it once already but to no avail. The latest information that we have today is that OCC Highways are fully aware of the problem, including that they have not solved it. The Local Area inspector is due to come out to assess and, hopefully, solve the problem. The more people that can keep reporting it on www.fixmystreet.com the better and OCC Highways should respond to the weight of public opinion. We will continue to keep the pressure on but the WPC have no