
WPC meeting minutes (Oct)

Location: Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 9th October 2018 (7.30 pm) In Attendance: Mr N Bankes (Chairman), Mr M Patterson (Vice Chairman), Mr G Page, Mr A Pascoe, Mr R Jarrett, Mr G Martin Apologies: Cllr G Reynolds, Cllr PChapman, Mr A Crossley   Agenda Items Minutes of previous meeting - signed Matters arising from previous minutes Since the last meeting, Robbie Brown – who has agreed to carry out playground inspections – has moved to Brackley. He will continue with this role.  Clerk to apply for quotes to make the minor repairs needed on the playground. Extra bags of salts are £100 a bag – decided that we have enough in reserve already. Fire at the Manor painting to

OFF-GRID exhibition finishing party 13th & 14th October

We are having a Finishing Party at Lockbund Gallery on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October from 11.30 am to 4.00pm.  All, plus friends, are welcome to celebrate the end of this very successful exhibition. Wine and cake! The river Cherwell flows from a trickle at Hellidon to a surge at Oxford. Winter finds it cutting through deep snow, rising to flooded heights. No landmarks are to be found, no waymarkers to be navigated as the known landscape is consumed, overlaid with a new world. In April, mess and muck is left behind, clinging to grasses and tree trunks, and then the green days come, with a dry heat only to be tempered by a slide down muddy banks into a

HS2 – Traffic Surveys

HS2 Traffic Surveys Please see attached link relating to Advance Works Notification for traffic surveys to be carried out by Atkins on behalf of HS2. HS2-Atkins-Highway-Condition-Surveys-October-2018 HS2 anticipate that the coring surveys will be mid October for a couple of days and the FWD surveys will commence beginning of November for approximately two weeks. Drop in sessions: The next local-drop in session held by HS2, to keep you up to date about the project in the area, is on Tuesday, 2nd October 2018, at Chipping Warden Village Hall, 3-6pm. Other dates: Tuesday, 6th November 2018, 3-6pm Tuesday, 4th December 2018, 3-6pm   Wardington Parish Council

Petition launched to get the A422, Farthinghoe-Brackley road, mended

A Petition to Parliament has been started to try to get the A422, Farthinghoe-Brackley road, mended as Northamptonshire is in such a state for funding it seems that it may take some time.  The petition can be found using this link: It has quite a few signatures already on it but will need a lot more if it is to have any effect.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

  The annual Macmillan Coffee Morning will be held at Barn Farm Plants Garden Centre on Friday 28th September. 9.30am-12noon. Come and join the fun and help raise money for Macmillan.  Tea and coffee along with delicious cakes, Ella Art Stall, Raffle,  and Plant Tombola. If you require any further information then please give us a call on 01295 758080. I Hope you can join us Deborah

Broadband voucher offer

ARE YOU READY? Full fibre broadband connections offer the fastest and most reliable speeds available and the government is committed to a vision of a full fibre Britain. As part of this commitment in March 2018, a £67 million Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme was announced. Gigabit vouchers can be used by small and medium sized businesses and the local communities surrounding them to contribute to the installation cost of a gigabit capable connection. Businesses can claim up to £3,000 against the cost of connection either individually or as part of a group project. Residents can benefit from the scheme as part of a group project, which also includes businesses and can claim for a voucher of up to a value

Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2018

NOTICE OF MAKING OF PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION AND DEFINITIVE MAP AND STATEMENT MODIFICATION ORDER, HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981   The Oxfordshire County Council, Wardington Footpath No. 27 (part), Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2018 In March 2018 the Oxfordshire County Council consulted a wide range of consultees including the Parish Council regarding a proposed diversion of the above footpath. No objections were received to those consultations. Therefore on 8th August 2018, the Oxfordshire County Council made the above Order under section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 and Section 53A(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The Order, if confirmed, will divert part of the public footpath as described and

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Wardington Cinema Reminder : “The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society”, This Friday 7th September

Wardington Cinema Reminder : “The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society”, This Friday 7th September Please let either Paul / Sam know if you plan to attend the cinema night this coming Friday 7th September (contact details on the poster). As normal there will be a half time interval when we will serve free ice-creams and hold a raffle.  Please feel free to bring your own food and drink to enjoy during the screening. Doors open at 7.15pm and the film will start at 8pm.  £6.50 standard price, £4.50 concessions