
Notice of overnight road closure and traffic lights A361, Chipping Warden

Notice of overnight road closure and traffic lights A361, Chipping Warden. Message from EKFB (working on behalf of HS2) We will be carrying out routine maintenance and safety inspections on the temporary bridge over the A361 near Chipping Warden. To conduct this work safely we will be closing the A361 for one night from 8.30pm Friday 14 March to 5.30am Saturday 15 March 2025. Please see the attached notice or link to the website, which includes the signed diversion route. Notice of overnight road closure and traffic lights A361 Chipping Warden Feb 25 Notice of overnight road closure A361, Chipping Warden - HS2  Throughout March we will be working over weekends, near our compound entrance, as part of the preparations

Temporary Road Closure / A361, Wardington

Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Road Closure / No Waiting at Banbury Road Through Wardington, Wardington   In the interests of public safety; it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road as detailed above in order to facilitate carriageway patching works.  A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 12/3/2025.  The anticipated completion date is 13/3/2025. Working Hours 20:00 – 06:00.  A Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and restriction and will operate on the days shown above.  Please note that Notices for urgent works can last up to 5 consecutive days only.  Access will be

Wardington update from OCC Highways

Wardington update from OCC Highways Following last Tuesday's meeting (28/01/2025) with Matthew Timms, OCC Highways Engagement, he has reported the following actions for Wardington. As requested, a couple of the urgent potholes on Edgcote Road have been made safe this week. A thorough inspection of the carriageway and footway surfaces on Edgcote Road, Thorpe Road, Wardington Road, and the link road between Thorpe Road will occur during the week commencing the 3rd of February. Areas meeting the criteria of our Highway Safety Inspection Policy will be actioned accordingly. For further guidance, please refer to Oxfordshire County Council's road repairs page - https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/transport-and-travel/street-maintenance-z/road-repairs#paragraph-8071  Our Cyclical Maintenance Team will reach out to Steve (site manager) from The Manor to discuss proposals around

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot Following the temporary closure of the A361 the Stagecoach 200 Bus Service to Banbury has been unable to run. The Parish Council again has been in contact with the ABILITY Local Community Bus Service who are able to help. Originally the Ability service was setup in April 2022 following the notification that Stagecoach were to withdraw the Daventry to Banbury service. However, this did not happen and the Ability service was rarely used. Ability are able to operate a regular service into Banbury on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If you require another route, let ABILITY know. Future services will depend on supply and demand. There are 3 different membership categories: Pick-up and

Traffic lights on the section of the A361 near the EKFB compound entrance

Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 There will be single lane traffic managed by traffic lights on the section of the A361 near the EKFB compound entrance for three weeks in October.  This if following on from the weekend closures a few months ago, and should complete these utility works in preparation for realigning the A361 over the green tunnel. Please note that during the second week we will be working at night-time to complete these works. Please find the link to full details here: Notice-of-traffic-management-A361-Chipping-Warden-October-24.pdf (hs2.org.uk)   If you have any concerns regarding the operation of the lights, please contact the HS2 helpdesk and they can alert the traffic team as soon as possible. HS2 Helpdesk: 08081

A361 Weekend road closure – 14-17 June.

A361 Weekend road closure - 14-17 June. Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 Last weekend the work we did on the A361 went well and the road was re-opened on Sunday afternoon. The additional weekend road closure of the A361 has now been confirmed as: 8pm on Friday 14 June to 6am on Monday 17 June 2024 Full details can be found in our online copy of the notice –  Notice-of-weekend-road-closures-A361-Chipping-Warden-June-2024-UPDATE.pdf (hs2.org.uk)   What we are doing We are continuing to prepare the A361 in Chipping Warden for the permanent realignment of the highway over the Chipping Warden Green Tunnel. In June we will be moving the utilities which run near and under the existing road, just north

**Update** Weekend closures of the A361 in May 2024

**Update** Weekend closures of the A361 in May 2024 Important message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 The closure on the weekend of 17-20 May has been postponed. This is being done to reduce the traffic impacts on several local sporting events in the area. The new closure date will be 8pm 31 May - 6am 3 June.  There will be an additional weekend closure in June, dates to be confirmed, which we will contact you about separately. EKFB Engagement Manager

Weekend closures of the A361 in May 2024

Weekend closures of the A361 in May 2024 Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 Please find a link below to some weekend road closures of the A361 near Chipping Warden. These closures will be required to relocate a gas utility, in preparation for realignment of the A361 over the tunnel. We will also be preparing the verges for vehicle restraint barriers. These will allow our workforce to work closer to the existing road, reducing the need for closures. Notice-of-weekend-road-closures-A361-Chipping-Warden-April-24-v2.pdf (hs2.org.uk) Impacts on gas supply, if any, will be communicated by Southern Gas Networks (SGN). Both our workforce and those working for SGN, may be working extended hours, including early morning and late evening during these periods.  Access will

HS2 – A361 night time closures this weekend 16-17 Feb

A361 night time closures this weekend 16-17 Feb Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 The weather affected progress of the A361 bridge maintenance last weekend. While much of the work was completed, some tasks were not possible. We will be working again this weekend, requiring a closure on Friday 16 February and Saturday 17 February, from 8.30pm to 5.30am. A copy of our work notice is available here: Notice-of-night-time-closure-A361-Chipping-Warden-Feb-24.pdf (hs2.org.uk) Simon Davis Engagement Manager

Night time weekend closure of the A361 for bridge maintenance -February 2024

Message from EKFB in behalf of HS2 In early February we will be carrying out maintenance on the temporary bridge that crosses the A361 near Chipping Warden. Due to the effects of the winter weather, this work needs to be carried out as a priority. Please find below the work notice that we have just published on the HS2 website: Notice-of-night-time-closure-A361-Chipping-Warden-Feb-24.pdf (hs2.org.uk) A section of the A361 Byfield Road will be closed overnight on Friday 9 February and Saturday 10 February, from 8.30pm and 5.30am.  As a contingency, we may also need to close the road on Friday 16 February and Saturday 17 February, from 8.30pm and 5.30am. We will utilize this closure to carry out other work on that section of