
Village Spring Clean REMINDER – Saturday 8th April 2017

JOIN OUR LOCAL SPRING CLEAN Saturday 8th April 2017 Volunteers to meet at Barn Farm Plants between 10:00am – 10:30am All equipment for the Clean-up provided. No Cars to be left in the car park during the clean. Join the ‘Spring Clean’ weekend and let’s clean up our village. The Spring Clean is organised by the Environmental Services team at Cherwell District Council who provide everything except for the labour. That is left to the willingness of the local parishioners to get the better of the litter louts and to clean up with a personal touch. Please help and enjoy a few hours litter-picking to make the village where we live more beautiful. We want to attack the blight of litter and

Call My Wine Bluff – Sat. 11th March

A reminder to all to book your tickets for CALL MY BLUFF WINE TASTING EVENING Saturday 11th March 2017 7.00pm for 7.30pm start A light-hearted wine quiz & tasting followed by home-made cottage pie supper with wine available to buy on the night Presented and supported by SH Jones This is always a fun-filled evening with plenty of wine flowing, lots of laughs and a classic Wardington /Williamscot rivalry! You don't need to know anything about wine - just how to enjoy a good glass or two and good company. Buy the wines you taste on the night at a discounted price – stock up your cellar & support your church at the same time Tickets in advance £18 per head

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Time to reserve your tickets!

With less than 2 weeks to go until the screening of Ab Fab the Movie at Wardington Village Cinema, now is the time to reserve your ticket! Doors will open at 7.15pm on Friday 20th of January for the 8pm start.  As normal there will be a half time interval when we will draw the raffle, and to give you time to socialize and enjoy your free ice cream. Tickets are only £6.50 (£4.50 concessions), with all profits going to maintaining the Memorial hall. Call Sam Young (01295 750 871) or Paul Bimson (01295 758855) or email to reserve your ticket NOW!  

Ab Fab the Movie

Wardington Village Cinema's next screening is of Ab Fab the Movie on Friday 20th January. A feature-length comedy based on the award-winning TV series starring Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley as the infamous Edina and Patsy. Causing mayhem and havoc wherever they go, Edina and Patsy continue to enjoy their booze-soaked, glamorous lifestyle when they find themselves taking the blame for a major faux pas at a trendy London launch party. Consequently hounded by the media and paparazzi, the pair flee to the south of France where they immediately settle in to the ways of lavish living. Despite being broke, the duo conspire a way to prolong their stay. The film also sees the return of Edina's daughter Saffy (Julia

Visit to Parliament – May 8th 2017

We are delighted to announce that we have been offered a tour of the Houses of Parliament on Monday 8th May 2017, thanks to Victoria Prentis MP. The tour is for up to 25 people and tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. We will most likely book a mini-bus or small coach to take us there and back, the cost of which will be divided equally among those attending. In the first instance, would you please send expressions of interest to Nigel Bankes either by email to or by telephone on 01296 750500.

Carol Singing on The Green – Wed 21st Dec.

The Friends of St. Mary Magdalene will be hosting the annual Carols on The Green on Wednesday 21st December from 6:00 to 6:45pm at The Old Pool in Upper Wardington (down in the dip). Come and enjoy mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls and sing all your favourite carols around the brazier. All we ask in return is that you donate generously to help maintain and improve our beautiful church. In the event of wet weather, we will move to the church. If you wish to download a poster to help promote the evening and to give to those without access to the website, please click here.  

Harvest Supper – FINAL CALL – This Saturday

This is the final call for those who would like to attend this ever-popular event. Don't forget, KIDS ARE WELCOME. The Friends of St. Mary Magdalene are pleased to once again be organising the Harvest Supper. On Saturday 1st October 2016 At 7:30pm In the Memorial Hall Cottage Pie followed by Apple Pie and Cheese & Biscuits Cash bar and raffle All proceeds to St. Mary Magdalene Children of all ages are welcome! Corkage charge £10/bottle if you bring your own wine. Tickets £10 adults, £7 children and OAP's. Tickets from Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087

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Afternoon Tea at the Memorial Hall, Thurs. 29th Sept. at 2pm

The next Afternoon Tea is this Thursday, September 29 at 2 pm in the Memorial Hall.  Everyone is welcome.  Tea, coffee, cakes and good conversations are on the menu.  Come and  meet old friends and make new ones.   Transport can be provided by contacting Lois Ann Lawless at 750012.  If anyone would like to join the team which helps prepare for the afternoon by setting up, making a cake or helping to serve, we would be grateful and welcome you warmly!


CRAFT MORNING MEMORIAL HALL 1ST OCT 10AM – 12 NOON WARDINGTON MEMORIAL HALL Please Join our craft morning to produce a Harvest Frieze to display at our Harvest Festival service. This is a first to celebrate our Harvest Festival at Wardington Church on the 2nd October at 10.00am. You can join in the craft session whether or not you are attending the Harvest Festival service. Under 8-year-olds need to be accompanied by a parent/carer. We shall be presenting the Harvest frieze as part of our service and if you would like to take part please join us on Saturday morning. For more information or to confirm that you're coming along, please contact Sue Upton on 01295 758398 or email

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Wardington Dinner Dance, Saturday 8th October

Please can everyone who has booked tables or places at the Wardington Dinner Dance on Saturday the 8th of October ensure that they make payment in full by this Sunday, September the 25th. Cheques are to be made payable to 'Wardington Sports Field Committee' and can be delivered to Chris Morgan at 1 Mount Pleasant or Gill Slade at Wheatsheaf. If anyone would prefer to pay by Bank Transfer or has any other questions please contact Chris on 750408 or Gill on 750640.

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