Fairport Convention

Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival – 8th – 10th August 2024

Three-day entrance permits are again available this year for Williamscot residents and children at the special price of £25 each. The monies will be allocated to the Williamscot Fund for the benefit of the village. Again, this year under 18 year-olds will have free admission, and those who are 18 years old and over will pay the special price of £25 per ticket.   (Please note that although children between the ages of 12 and 18 will have free admission, they will require an adult ticket which will count as one of the two tickets per household in the first instance) Fairport tickets are now available to Wardington residents, two per household, on a first come first served basis.    

Fairport 2019 Tickets – 3-day residents’ permits still available

Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival 8th – 10th August 2019 There are still a few three-day entrance permits available to the residents of Williamscot and Wardington for this year’s Fairport Convention. If you have not applied already, then please let me know by no later than Sunday 21st July if you require any tickets, and these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Many thanks,      Emma. Three-day entrance permits will again be available for this years’ Festival at the special price of £40 each. As in previous years, tickets will be offered to every Williamscot resident in the first instance with surplus permits then allotted to the adult children of residents (if they grew up in Williamscot) and

Fairport 2019 Tickets

Fairport Convention’s Cropredy Festival 8th – 10th August 2019 Three-day entrance permits will again be available for this years’ Festival at the special price of £40 each. As in previous years, tickets will be offered to every Williamscot resident in the first instance with surplus permits then allotted to the adult children of residents (if they grew up in Williamscot) and their partners and / or grandchildren. After 30th June, any surplus tickets will be made available to Wardington residents, two per household, on a first come first served basis. Children under 12 years of age accompanied by an adult have free admission. If there are enough tickets available after 15th July, the names of Wardington residents who have requested