General interest

VENUE CHANGE: Carols on the Green, Wed 18th Dec at 6pm: Rain forecast

Heavy rain forecast - New venue: VILLAGE HALL This year's Carols on the Green is from 6pm to 6:45pm on Wednesday 18th December in the Memorial Hall Mulled wine and mince pies will be served, along with hot chocolate, stollen and sausage rolls! We will be collecting for the Friends of St Mary Magdalene - please bring some cash and give generously. The drinks and food are free, however we greatly appreciate a donation of at least £2 each. The event will last for 45 minutes. Carols A4 poster 2024

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot Following the temporary closure of the A361 the Stagecoach 200 Bus Service to Banbury has been unable to run. The Parish Council again has been in contact with the ABILITY Local Community Bus Service who are able to help. Originally the Ability service was setup in April 2022 following the notification that Stagecoach were to withdraw the Daventry to Banbury service. However, this did not happen and the Ability service was rarely used. Ability are able to operate a regular service into Banbury on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If you require another route, let ABILITY know. Future services will depend on supply and demand. There are 3 different membership categories: Pick-up and

Flood in Upper Wardington

Flood in Upper Wardington Wardington Parish Council have been in contact with OCC Engagement Team for Highway Maintenance  regarding this problem. Since then, the drains have been pumped but with no significant result. The issue has now been escalated via the OCC Engagement team to the Land Drainage Officer and we have stressed that this is an emergency priority. When action will be taken, we have no time frame, we can only hope that it is sooner rather than later. The parish council understand that residents are becoming more and more disgruntled. However, the parish council cannot resolve the problem on its own, it can only report and apply pressure to the responsible authorities. Wardington Parish Council

Reminder: Carols on the Green, Wed 18th Dec at 6pm

This year's Carols on the Green is from 6pm to 6:45pm on Wednesday 18th December on the green in Upper Wardington. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served, along with hot chocolate, stollen and sausage rolls! We will be collecting for the Friends of St Mary Magdalene - please bring some cash and give generously. The drinks and food are free, however we greatly appreciate a donation of at least £2 each. The event will last for 45 minutes. Carols A4 poster 2024

A361 – Road Closure between Wardington and Chipping Warden

A361 - Road Closure between Wardington and Chipping Warden This morning 2nd December 2024 we received the follow message from Cllr George Reynolds:- I have been contacted about the road closure. Apparently a sink hole has appeared but OCC think the bridge is okay but they will need to wait for the water to go down or ditches cleared so it can drain away before they examine the bridge structure. Then they will have to  do repairs Clearly this will all take time so do not expect a quick opening of the road. I have made the point that they must work with HS2 to prevent their traffic using the minor roads. I suspect there is not a lot can

BBC Gardeners World in Wardington

Gardeners World, this Friday at 20:00 on BBC2, will feature Pettifers garden in Wardington. Presenter Rachel de Thame continues to explore the ingenious power that flowers use to attract pollinating insects. For anyone not familiar with Pettifers, you can find out more on their website, If you're interested in gardens and gardening, the Wardington Garden Club regularly visits some wonderful gardens, including Pettifers.

Traffic lights on the section of the A361 near the EKFB compound entrance

Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 There will be single lane traffic managed by traffic lights on the section of the A361 near the EKFB compound entrance for three weeks in October.  This if following on from the weekend closures a few months ago, and should complete these utility works in preparation for realigning the A361 over the green tunnel. Please note that during the second week we will be working at night-time to complete these works. Please find the link to full details here: Notice-of-traffic-management-A361-Chipping-Warden-October-24.pdf (   If you have any concerns regarding the operation of the lights, please contact the HS2 helpdesk and they can alert the traffic team as soon as possible. HS2 Helpdesk: 08081

Notice of Wardington Road closure, from 2nd September.

Notice of Wardington Road closure, from 2nd September. Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 Please click on the link for details the upcoming road closure of Wardington Road, nr Chipping Warden (also know as Egdcote Road), beginning on 2 September 2024 for approximately one year, to complete a number of construction activities including; river diversion, road regrading and installing the beams for the viaduct which run over the road. Culworth Road in Chipping Warden will remain open during this time. Notice-of-road-closure-Wardington-Road-Edgcote-August-2024.pdf (   Haidee Williams Engagement Manager Advance notice of annual leave: 24 August – 3 September. Eiffage Kier Ferrovial BAM JV |  HS2 Team |  5th Floor, Exchange House, 450 Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes, MK9 2EA Mob: +44

Voneus broadband

Paul from Voneus is out and about at the moment in the village and is the local Community Representative. If you want to discuss anything about joining Voneus or what they can offer, he is happy for you to contact him on 07415 747 540 and he can arrange a time to pop by and speak to residents.

A361 Weekend road closure – 14-17 June.

A361 Weekend road closure - 14-17 June. Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 Last weekend the work we did on the A361 went well and the road was re-opened on Sunday afternoon. The additional weekend road closure of the A361 has now been confirmed as: 8pm on Friday 14 June to 6am on Monday 17 June 2024 Full details can be found in our online copy of the notice –  Notice-of-weekend-road-closures-A361-Chipping-Warden-June-2024-UPDATE.pdf (   What we are doing We are continuing to prepare the A361 in Chipping Warden for the permanent realignment of the highway over the Chipping Warden Green Tunnel. In June we will be moving the utilities which run near and under the existing road, just north