Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting
Location: Wardington Memorial Hall
Date: Tuesday, 18th April, 2017 (7:30pm)
In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chairman), Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk)
Parishioners: Ms C Jokumsen, Mr N Bond.
Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr A Crossley, Mrs A Pascoe
1. Minutes of previous meetings. (21st March, 2017) approved and signed.
2. Matters arising from previous minutes.
2.1 HS2 Update
Mr G Page reported that the Wardington HS2 Action Group was meeting with OCC Highways on the 27th April for an update on the HS2 mitigation measures and how these are addressing the points listed in the OCC Risk Register. Ms Jokumsen and Mr Bond expressed their concern regarding the proposed widening of corners on the A361 and raised the issue of how the driving line of the traffic was changing to avoid the increasing number of potholes, especially around the corner section near to the Hare and Hounds. They were both fearful that increase vibration would cause structural problems to their property. Mr Page stated that as yet HS2 were only proposing to widen the corners and reduce vegetation on the roadside and not addressing the issues around pedestrian safety, noise and vibration caused by the increase in traffic volumes .He hoped that, following the meeting with OCC Highways, the Action Group would be in a position to give the village more information details.
2.2 Cluster Care request for financial donation
Mr Franklin reported that the annual grant from OCC to Cluster Care, of approximately £9,000 had now ceased. This has now been replaced by a two year transitional fund and that Cluster Care were making an application for £4,500. The future is still uncertain and there would be a shortfall in the overall budget, where the major expenses are salaries, hall hire and lunches. Mr Martin proposed that we make a donation of £100 to Cluster Care, this was seconded and agreed.
2.3 Banburyshire Advice Centre request for financial donation .
Mr Patterson advised council that the Banburyshire Advice Centre was set up some 18 months ago to offer advice to people over 50 on such things as career opportunities, job applications and form filling. It is a not for profit charity receiving support from The Lottery Fund. They are now located at the Alcan site and open 10 hours a week, operated by local volunteers. They are not part of the Citizens Advice Bureau which still remains in Cornhill and is supported by CDC. Considering the facts council did not support the request for a financial donation.
3. Planning
1. 17/00115/TCA – Mrs Holbech, Wardington Lodge, Wardington
Fell 1* Lime Tree and reduce the height of 1*Catalpa tree. WPC – NO OBJECTION.
2. 17/00695/F – Mrs Acors, The Plough Inn , Upper Wardington
Variation to appl. 16/00367/F WPC – NO OBJECTION.
CDC Decisions:
3. ACV033 Notification of End of Full Moratorium for Asset of Community Value. The Plough Inn, Upper Wardington.
The owner is now free, for a further 12 months, to sell the property without restrictions.
Council had also received a letter from the community interest group (Phoenix Pub 2016 Ltd.) advising that they were not proceeding with submitting a bid for the Plough Public House in Upper Wardington.
4. Finance.
4.1 Grass Cutting Contract appointment.
Mr Page reported that, although three quotations were requested, only one contractor submitted a quotation. Council were happy to award the contract to N R Prickett, from Epwell who maintains the grass cutting for many other villages in the area. He has been contracted for 12 months to perform at least 10 cuts during the growing period at £300 per cut.
4.2 Invoices – Cheques for authorization.
100874 SKA – Website Hosting £120.00
100875 CDC – Empty Dog Bins £288.29
100876 Wardington Memorial Hall – Room Hire £170.00
100877 PAYE – April 2017 £87.40
4.1 Playground 200 Club draw.
April Draw:
100644 £20 Mr & Mrs T Cochrane
100645 £10 Mr P J Worthington
5. New Business
5.1 Proposed Service Station, Junction 11, M40
Minutes from the meeting between Euro Garages and Chacombe Village were circulated to councillors for information. The minutes contained very little apart from what was already known. Mr Atack said that as yet no official planning application had been received from Euro Garages. Euro Garages were unwilling to give any details of the expected increase volume of traffic using facility. The site known as Banbury 15 Project, from the Local Plan, is described in the Master Plan as a ‘strategic employment site to deliver the planned growth in advanced engineering and knowledge based industries’. Mr Atack said that the council can change that. Until the planning application has been received there was little we could do. Although, outside of our parish we would be informed of the planning application. Council will object strongly to this development.
5.2 Unitary Council Proposal of Oxfordshire
Mr Atack confirmed the proposal from Oxfordshire County Council for a single county unitary authority in Oxfordshire and that Cherwell District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Oxford City Council were opposed to this and wanted the proposal delayed from being approved until other alternatives had been reviewed. A campaign with a petition ‘Sign to Save Cherwell’ had been launched but he felt that there was little public interest. Mr Atack said that owing to the calling of a General Election, a decision would probably not be made until the autumn.
5.3 Village upkeep and tidy appearance.
Mr Patterson raised the issue that more could be done to improve the general appearance of the village. This includes the verges, paving, footpaths and road signs. Although several people do what they can, there were still areas where there was room for improvement. Mr Franklin pointed out that, for those people already helping, there were safety issues to consider, especially when working next to the main roads. Mr Patterson said that one issue was damage to the grass verges and perhaps a good start would be to insert posts at intervals to deter vehicles from mounting and destroying verges. It was agreed that council should investigate placing posts on the grass verge running from the bus stop at Corner Mount up to opposite Orchard Cottage.
6. A.O.B.
a. Mr Franklin raised the issue regarding the deterioration of the road surface on the A361 between Wardington Grange and the village gates. OCC Highways are to be notified.
b. Mr Atack announced that Mr Ian Fuller was to take over the responsibility of the local tickets for the Fairport concert.
c. Mr Page mentioned that cricket nets had been erected by the pavilion and questioned whether there were any issues about insurance, in case of accident, and whether permission was required, although it was a temporary construction. CDC to be consulted.
d. Mr Jarrett announced that the AGM will be on Tuesday 23rd May at 7:00pm prior to the council meeting.
The meeting closed 8:55pm
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 23rd May, 2017 at 7:30pm in the village hall.
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