Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting
Location: Wardington Memorial Hall
Date: Tuesday, 23rd May, 2017 (7:30pm)
In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr A Crossley, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk)
Parishioners: Mrs R Page, Mr S Mackenzie-Lawrie.
Apologies: Mr N Bankes
In the absence of Mr Bankes, it was agreed that Mr Page continue to chair the meeting.
1. Minutes of previous meetings. (18th April, 2017) approved and signed.
2. Matters arising from previous minutes (1).
2.1 HS2 Update
Mr Patterson reported that the Wardington HS2 Action Group had a meeting with OCC Highways on the 27th April for an update on the HS2 mitigation measures. The meeting was a little disappointing as it provided not many solutions. The request for pedestrian crossings at the bus stop and Wardington House were not considered feasible due to lack of footpath space to install traffic signals and also insufficient distance visibility. The widening of the three corners at Old Bonhams, Wardington House and The Hare and Hounds was proposed but further investigation was required. To control traffic speed, Highways were proposing the use of white lines that give the impression of the road being narrower than it is in reality. Mr Page added that Highways were going to cut back the vegetation encroaching on the roadside, i.e. at Judges and near The Old Coach House, and because of shared responsibility, the private land owners had been contacted to cutback what belonged to them. There was no progress in relation to noise and pollution.
3. The Warbler
Mr Mackenzie-Lawrie, who had another appointment, was asked to address the council meeting in respect of The Warbler. Following the last issue there was a concern over the printing costs. Mr Mackenzie-Lawrie said how the Warbler had been improved by its presentation in colour and this was supported unanimously by Council. He added that the task preparing the final layout was made exceptionally difficult due to the volume of content received just before the deadline. He felt that the overall feedback was very encouraging. To ease the cost of printing, it was agreed to keep the number of pages to around 22-24 and to keep the number of printed copies to 300. There would also be an effort to increase the advertising to bring in more sponsorship by contacting local businesses. The advertising rates will be published In the next issue. Council extended their gratitude to Elaine Norris and the editor team for all their hard work and excellent results in presenting The Warbler.
4. Matters arising from previous minutes (2).
4.1 M40 J11 proposed Service Station
Since the last meeting we have received an e-mail from Farthinghoe parish council inviting us to a joint meeting with Chacombe, Middleton Cheney, Chipping Warden, and Cropredy parish councils to discuss the proposal. The hope is to get some interaction between North Oxfordshire and South Northants regarding the proposed project and some action regarding the general increase in HGV traffic. We responded by supporting the meeting.
4.2 Village upkeep and appearance.
Council have received and e-mail from Mr Norman Hudson supporting the attempt to improve the general appearance of the village. Mr Hudson mentioned that there were two cars parked outside Sabins, ( one being in front of the pond), and that they have been there for over a month, making it impossible to cut the grass around the vehicles and that their presence was affecting the grass beneath them. Mr Page said that he had already spoken with the owner of the vehicles and that they would be removed.
Mr Patterson said he was keen to progress the installation of posts on the grass verge at Corner Mount leading to the bus stop and mentioned how Cropredy had already installed similar posts. Council should liaise with Cropredy for any helpful information.
5. Planning
1. 17/00755/ADV – Mr Mark Page, Barn Farm Plants , Upper Wardington
Retrospective permission for 6 fascia signs. NO OBJECTION
2. 17/00160/TCA – Mr Gordon-Finlayson, Cobweb Cottage , Wardington
To fell one Apple Tree (considered dead). NO OBJECTION
CDC Decisions:
3. 17/00322/F – Mr David Adshead, Home Farm, Williamscote Erection of timber stable buildings. PERMISSION GRANTED.
4. 17/00115/TCA – Mrs Holbech, Wardington Lodge, Wardington
Fell 1* Lime Tree and reduce the height of 1*Catalpa tree. PERMISSION GRANTED.
6. Finance.
6.1 Parish Insurance renewal.
We have received a renewal notice from AON Insurance showing only a small increase on last year’s premium. AON were offering a 5% discount for renewing for 3 years. It was agreed to accept the long term agreement which would reduce the premium to £459.92 for the first year.
6.2 RoSpa Playground Inspection.
Mr Jarrett requested permission to organize the playground inspection for July. This was agreed. He added that he had received an e-mail informing him that part of the log trail was broken and requested permission the arrange for it to be repaired as soon as possible. This was granted.
6.3 Invoices – Cheques for authorization.
100878 Cluster Care Group (donation) £100.00
100879 Clerk’s Pay (April 2017) £350.22
100880 Community First Oxfordshire Annual Subs) £55.00
100881 PMP – Warbler Printing £326.40
100882 VOID
100883 N R Prickett – Grass Cutting £720.00
100884 Annette Reed Bookkeeping (Internal Audit) £100.00
100885 HMRC – PAYE (May 2017) £87.60
100886 Clerk’s Pay (May 2017) £350.02
100887 ANO Insurance – Parish Ins. £459.92
6.4 Playground 200 Club draw.
May Draw:
100646 £20 B & L Lawless
100647 £10 N Reynolds
7. New Business – None
8. AOB
8.1 Wardington Benches
Mr Crossley mentioned that the Wardington benches in the village need re-painting. This was considered as part of the village upkeep and appearance and would be looked into.
8.2 Replacement Notice Board by the Plough Inn
Mr Crossley asked when this would be ready. Mr Jarrett said that he was informed that, although the work had been delayed, the notice board was now in progress.
8.3 Potholes on the A361
Mr Franklin said that Highways had turned up but there was very little to show for their work and that the potholes near Grove Cottage were still unrepaired. OCC Highways are to be contacted again.
8.4 District Councillor Atack
Mr Page confirmed that Mr Ken Atack had now left Williamscot and that he was standing down as CDC Member as soon as a replacement was found. Mr Page took this opportunity to thank Ken Atack for all his input and assistance during his past years of service to the parish.
The meeting closed 8:20pm
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 20th June, 2017 at 7:30pm in the village hall.
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