Draft Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting
Location: Wardington Memorial Hall
Date: Tuesday, 25th July, 2017 (7:30pm)
In Attendance: Mr N Bankes (Chair), Mr M Patterson, Mr G Page, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), G Reynolds (County Cllr)
Parishioners: Ms L Gordon-Finlayson
Apologies: Mr A Crossley
1. Minutes of previous meetings. (20th June, 2017) approved and signed.
2. Matters arising from previous minutes.
This item was put back to deal with the more formal part of the meeting first.
3. Planning
1. 7/00225/TCA – Mr Clayton, The Croft, Wardington Hazel Coppice, Reduce height by 50% and shape. – WPC NO OBJECTION
2. 7/00225/TCA – Mr Clayton, Wardington Lodge, Wardington Unknown species, Crown Raise, northern crown by 6.0m. reduce upper northern crown by up to 4.0m – WPC NO OBJECTION
3. 17/01424/CLUE – Williamscot Estate, West Wing Williamscot House. Self-contained dwelling. WPC NO OBJECTION
CDC Decisions:
4. 17/01125/F – Mr Mark Abbiss, 1 The Old Vicarage , Wardington.
Amendment to 15/02094/F – Additional Roof lights and Obscure Gable Glazed window. (retrospective) PERMISSION GRANTED
5. 17/00755/ADV – Mr Mark Page, Barn Farm Plants, U Wardington.
5 * Fascia signs, 1* Hanging sign (retrospective) PERMISSION GRANTED
6. 17/00695/F – Mrs Acors, The Plough Inn , Upper Wardington
Variation to appl. 16/00367/F – PERMISSION GRANTED, Subject to conditions.
7. 17/01026/F, 17/01027/F – Mr N Douglas Post Box Cottage, Wardington. Demolition of conservatory and outbuilding. Erection of new rear extension. Resubmission of 16/01700/F REFUSED
8. 17/00166/TCA – Mr Peter MacKenzie, Fferm Cariad, Thorp Road , U Wardington Ornamental Cherry tree, 2m Crown reduction. PERMISSION GRANTED
9. 17/00243/TCA – St Mary Magdalene Church, Wardington Fell 1* Lime Tree: PERMISSION GRANTED
4. Finance.
4.1 Invoices – Cheques for authorization.
100892 N R Prickett – Grass Cutting £720.00
100893 David Adshead (Notice Board) £1,170.00
100884 Clerk’s Pay (July 2017) £350.22
100895 HMRC – PAYE (July 2017) £87.40
100896 Annette Reed Bookkeeping Services. £105.34
(replacement cheque)
100652 Trevor Stewart Play Equipment £165.60
4.2 Playground 200 Club draw.
June Draw:
100646 £20 M Patey
100647 £10 A Wilkins
5. New Business – None
6. AOB
6.1 Fence around the playground.
Mr Page said that some of the old fence posts had been secured prior to the playground inspection, that was scheduled for July. Mr Jarrett said that he had contacted Banbury Paving and Fencing and was waiting for a quote to replace the remainder of fencing not renewed last year.
6.2 Williamscot development
Mr Bankes said that we had received a letter from Mr Atack requesting that we monitor the development on the second house on the left in Williamscot. The build had been going on for a couple of years now and the grass verge had become a bit of a dumping ground.
6.3 Correspondence.
6.3.1 Mr Jarrett announced that there was to be a Williamscot Conservation Area Review at the Memorial Hall on Thursday 27th July. There will be an exhibition between 4:30-6:00pm with a public meeting from 7:00-8:30pm. Mr Bankes added that the new proposed boundaries included land that could not be seen from any public right of way, so questioned the reason for the changes.
6.3.2 Mr Jarrett reported that he has received the documentation for the Partial Review of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031, addressing Oxford’s Unmet Housing Need. Mr Reynolds said this would not affect North Oxfordshire, unless there was a change to the proposed Green Belt development.
6.4 Village Tree work
Mr Bankes said that Western Power Distribution were planning work to several trees in the village that were threatening power lines.
7. Matters arising from previous minutes.
7.1 HS2 Update
Mr Bankes reported that the Action Group has met with HS2 and OCC to discuss the mitigating measures proposed by HS2 and other concerns not yet addressed.
HS2 are proposing the widen three bends in the village.
(1) The bend outside Old Bonhams, with a new retaining wall.
(2) Outside The Old Vicarage and access to Tuthill Park, thus raising fears about the reduction to the width of the footpath and restriction to visibility. This would be looked at again by OCC and HS2..
(3) The bend by the Hare & Hounds, by moving and redesigning the island at the junction to Edgcote Lane, thus causing concern around access and exit from Edgcote Lane.
It was voiced by the Action Group that the widening of these corners would result in increased speed of traffic, adding to our safety concerns.
HS2 propose a puffin crossing near the bus stop. This is to be investigated and subject to a Road Safety Audit. However, a pedestrian crossing to Wardington House and Tuthill Park was not considered viable.
The request for a 20mph speed limit through the village and a speed camera was not supported by OCC or by the police, who say this is difficult to enforce. A meeting with the police will to be arranged soon to discuss the issue.
In respect to noise and pollution, we requested that the air quality be measured. HS2 should be aware of the environmental standards and these should not be exceeded during construction.
HS2 declared that the assurance, already given, of a maximum of 500 HGVs each way would not be reduced. They had no further update to the proposed haul road, but would be working with the contractor, once appointed, to overcome potential constraints and to reduce the volume of traffic needing to use the A361.
The use of side roads as ‘rat runs’, during the construction period, by local traffic will be looked at by OCC with the proposal to install weight limit signs.
The 2-way shuttle option through the village was not supported by OCC or HS2.
A meeting with the police will be arranged with the Action Group, maintaining their request for a 20mph limit through the village.
7.2 M40 Junction 11, proposed Service Station
Mr Reynolds said that there had been many objections and that the planning decision would be going to committee. There is a possibility that it will be rejected, but later it may go to appeal.
7.3 Village upkeep and appearance.
Council wrote a letter to the owner of the two cars parked outside Sabins, asking for them to be removed. However, the cars are still there. As they are not currently taxed and are regarded as being on the public highway, they should be reported to the DVLA.
Council are currently waiting for a quotation from OCC Highways to supply seven oak posts to be installed on the narrow grass verge in Mount Pleasant leading to the bus stop.
A quotation of £620.00 has been received to repaint / varnish benches in Wardington and Williamscot. This was accepted.
Mr Patterson raise the issue that the path to Pitts from opposite the Church was in danger of becoming impassable due to overgrown vegetation. He was happy to deal with it but neither Councillors nor he were sure who the land belonged to. Mr Patterson agreed to contact the appropriate department of OCC.
Mr Franklin raised concerns about vegetation encroaching the footpath around the Home Farm development. Enquiries are to be made as to the ownership and responsibility.
Council would like to remind landowners that it is their responsibility to ensure that trees, hedges or shrubs growing on their land do not obstruct or pose danger to users of the public highway or footpaths.
The meeting closed 8:45pm
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 5th September, 2017 at 7:30pm in the village hall.
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