HS2 – Update – temporary traffic lights on A361 Byfield Road

EKFB working on behalf of HS2 have provided the following information:-

Some temporary traffic lights that will be installed on the A361 Byfield Road in late January, just north of Chipping Warden. We have published an advanced work notice which can be found here:

AWN-Notice-of-Traffic-Management-A361-Byfield-Road-_January-2021-.pdf (hs2.org.uk)

As you are aware, earlier this week we completed our survey work on Wormleighton Road near Trafford Bridge and the road is now fully open again. We managed to get the road open within two days in fact.

Also, can you confirm, are you aware of the Trafford Bridge repair work being completed by WNC? This is not HS2 related but I am keen to check you are aware of it may have an impact on Wardington Road traffic in Edgcote.

Summary below of the A361 traffic lights work.


What are we doing?  

As our preparatory and enabling works continue, we need to safely access the construction area next to the A361, Byfield Road, north of Chipping Warden.  This will require the construction of a temporary access junction on Byfield Road.  

In order to complete these works, we will need to introduce traffic management in the form of temporary two-way traffic lights for approximately six weeks. To complete these works within this time frame, some additional weekend work may take place. 


These traffic lights may be in operation for 24 hours a day during our works.  


When will these works take place? 

The traffic management on the A361 Byfield Road will be in place from Monday 24 January for approximately six weeks. 

We will work to reopen the roads as soon as possible. We would advise allowing more time to complete your journey during this time.     

Works will take place between 8am and 6pm – Monday to Friday.  Some additional weekend work may also take place.


Wardington Parish Council