Wardington update from OCC Highways

Following last Tuesday’s meeting (28/01/2025) with Matthew Timms, OCC Highways Engagement, he has reported the following actions for Wardington.

As requested, a couple of the urgent potholes on Edgcote Road have been made safe this week.

A thorough inspection of the carriageway and footway surfaces on Edgcote Road, Thorpe Road, Wardington Road, and the link road between Thorpe Road will occur during the week commencing the 3rd of February. Areas meeting the criteria of our Highway Safety Inspection Policy will be actioned accordingly. For further guidance, please refer to Oxfordshire County Council’s road repairs page – https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/transport-and-travel/street-maintenance-z/road-repairs#paragraph-8071 

Our Cyclical Maintenance Team will reach out to Steve (site manager) from The Manor to discuss proposals around accessing land to continue drainage investigation/improvement from the drainage system outfall on Thorpe Road. We have obtained a land registry for the other adjacent landowner, but the Parish Council may have further details to provide, such as a contact number.

Cyclical Maintenance will additionally add the section of carriageway from A361 linking to Thorpe Road upstream section on our route grip cutting programme to reduce the surface water rate adding to the low point on Thorpe Road. This will include any appropriate area on Edgcote Road where a positive drainage system isn’t in place.

A review of the recent wall collapse along Thorpe Road that is contributing additional water to the flooded area of concern will be conducted.

The remaining surface water drainage system on Thorpe Road will be attended to by a special contractor on Saturday, 8th February, to reduce surface water flowing downhill in both directions.

Additional contact has been made with Cherwell District Council to arrange for the sweeping of Edgcote Road, Thorpe Road, and Wardington Road. We referred to the Parish Council reference SPC004605, and they hope to be in the vicinity next week. This activity will reduce excessive debris entering our drainage systems and tidy up the roads where additional diversions were made during the A361 bridge closure.

Fix My Street superuser interests – if anyone within the community would like to become a superuser, please contact my colleague in our volunteer coordination team via volunteercoordinationteam@Oxfordshire.gov.uk  For further details on superusers, please see https://news.oxfordshire.gov.uk/fix-my-street-super-users/

Matthew Timms

Team Leader – Highway Engagement Team

Highway Maintenance

Environment & Highways

Oxfordshire County Council