Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday 24th March 2015 at 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall
In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr N Bankes, Mr R Fenemore, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson, Mr M Hickman (Clerk)
Visitors: Mr Nigel Gellatly (Chairman of Chipping Warden & Edgecote Parish Council), Mr Ian Thompson (Parishioner)
Apologies: Mr J Murray
Minutes of the Previous Meeting (February 17th): Agreed and signed
- New business: HS2
- Mr Nigel Gellatly spoke to the council about the HS2 bill.
- He reported that during HS2 construction it is estimated that there will be up to 1300 large goods vehicles travelling daily on the A361 through Wardington to the HS2 construction compounds from 2017/18 for 4-5 years.
- Mr Gellatly advised the council that there will be a window of opportunity to petition for traffic measures during later phases of the HS2 bill.
- It was unanimously agreed that the council take swift action lest available opportunities to promote the interests of the village are missed.
- The councillors will gather again informally to discuss the issue in further depth.
- New business: Edgcote Lane
- Mr Ian Thompson spoke to the council about the condition of Edgcote Lane.
- He relayed the difficulties that he and other residents have navigating the road both by car and on foot due to potholes, the damaged verge, and excess drainage.
- It was noted that a weight restriction would do little to quell industrial traffic as such orders have exemptions for access, and that single-track classification would likely be unsuccessful due to the commercial nature of the route.
- Mr Page agreed to talk with the local landowner and suggest a modified drainage system to prevent excess fluids from covering the road.
- Matters arising from previous meetings
3.1. Cherwell District Council’s allocations policy – draft changes
- The latest changes to CDC’s allocations policy was received in draft form, but no changes had been made where rural exception sites are concerned.
3.2. Parish council election
- Clerk has three spare nomination packs for any parishioner who would like to stand as a parish councillor candidate. They are also available from CDC.
- Completed forms must be delivered by hand to the Elections Office by 4:00pm on Thursday, 9th The polling district for Wardington is CDM1.
3.3. Parish payroll
- The parish payroll has successfully been outsourced to Diane Malley M.A.A.T. of 7 New Road, Kidderminster, DY14 9TQ.
3.4 Litter bins
- Mr Richard Altham has liaised with the litter bins’ manufacturer who have agreed to send out replacement parts so he can continue with the installation.
3.5 Community led plan – communication working group meeting
- Clerk represented the council at the first Communication working group meeting on 2nd March at Red Lion House. The focus is on promoting the communication network and outlets within the village.
- The results of the first meeting are to be consolidated by chairman Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie and an action plan will be agreed at the second meeting.
3.6 Parish precept
- Though the precept was not increased this year, the breakdown shown on the council tax bill shows a 4.9% increase in council tax collected by the WPC this year.
- The tax has increased because there has been a decrease in the number of houses eligible to pay council tax in the parish (i.e. the taxbase) to divide the amount between this year. And also, where last year’s precept amount included a council tax grant from CDC, this year it does not.
- New business
4.1 Grass
- Mr Page noted that due to the termperate weather the parish’s contracted grass cutters have already started mowing grass, so an extra cut might be necesary at some point in the season. This will be monitored through the year.
4.2 Parish laptop
- Clerk explained that the laptop issued to the parish clerk has been temperamental since he started using it in January, and unfortunately it now looks to have a hardware issue which has rendered it difficult to use. Clerk asked to enquire into the cost of a replacement battery.
- Planning
15/00161/F J D Cox Farms Ltd. Planning proposal for general purpose agricultural building. No objections.
15/00060/TCA Mrs Virginia Price. Notice of intent to undertake work to trees in a conservation area. No objections.
- Finance
Cheques authorised:
100770 Cherwell District Council. Emptying dog bins October – March. £261.52
100771 Mitchell Hickman (clerk). Pay to March 23rd. £450
Prize cheques for playground 200 club
100596 £20 Mrs Ann Wilkins
100598 £20 George Page
100599 £10 Henri Senn
- Mr Page advised the council that the fence that surrounds the playground is too rotten to be treated for maintenance and is better off being replaced. Mr Ian Marshall will monitor the area and let the council know if anything is broken.
Pergola in conservation area
- It was reported that a pergola has been seen erected within a conservation area, though councillors did not recall seeing the necessary planning permission. Mr Page to liase with party and ensure that the appropriate procedures are in place.
Letter from parishioner
- Mr Page read out an anonymous letter he had received which detailed concerns about drivers in the local area seen on their mobile phones and driving too fast.
- Please drive considerately through the village, there are a number of dangerous spots for pedestrians in the village that require special care from drivers.
Burgulary on Greensward
- It was made known that three males forced entry to a home on Greensward on Saturday 21st March at 9:15.
- Please alert neighbours and be extra vigilant. If you have any information please telephone the Banbury Rural Police Team on 101. Or if you would like to remain anonymous please call Crimsetoppers on 0800 555 111.
The meeting closed at 9.10pm.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 21st April at 7:30pm in the village hall
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