Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Annual General Meeting
Location: Wardington Memorial Hall
Date: Tuesday, 24th May, 2016 (7:00pm)
In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley, Ms A Pasco, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Mr C Hunt (Parishioner)
Apologies: Mr N Bankes
1. Minutes of previous AGM.(19nd May, 2016) Approved and signed.
2. Matters arising from previous minutes.
As there were not enough people proposed in the last elections there remained two vacancies within the parish council. During the year Mr Ian Franklin and Mr Andrew Crossley were co-opted onto the parish council.
3. Election of Officers
3.1 Election of Chairperson.
Mr M Patterson proposed that Mr G Page be re-elected as Chairperson. This was seconded by Ms A Pasco. There being no other proposals Mr Page was duly elected as Chairperson.
3.2 Election of Vice-Chairperson
Mr N Bankes had explained at last year’s AGM that, due to other commitments, he would be unable to take up the position of Chairperson until September 2017. Being absent but willing to stand for the office, Mr Bankes was proposed by Mr C Hunt and seconded by Mr A Crossley. Mr Bankes was duly elected as Vice-Chairperson.
4. Finance.
4.1 Annual Statement:-
4.1.1 It was confirmed that the internal audit, of the accounts for 2015-2016, had been carried out and signed off.
4.1.2 The Annual Governance Statement was approved and signed.
4.1.3 The Annual Accounts had been circulated. The main differences from the previous year were:-
Income was down due to the variance of New Homes Bonus (£1,235 less) and VAT refunds claimed (£3,274 less).
Expenditure was also down. In the year 2014-2015 there was a Contribution to road works in Williamscot (£14,174). The main expenditure in 2015-2016 was the cost of the HS2 petitioning (£8,736). The Accounts Statement for Income and Expenditure were duly approved and signed.
A question was raised relating to the process for the sale of the ‘Fairport’ tickets which as explained by Mr Atack. There being 40 tickets available only to Wardington parishioners. The application details can be found in the Warbler.
The accounts will be available for inspection between 3rd June and 14th July.
4.2 HS2 Budget 2016-2017
Mr Page declared that there were no more major costs foreseen in respect of the HS2 petition. There was a charge pending from Pinsent Mason, for submitting the petition to the House of Lords, expected to be around £400. The budget was still be finalized.
5. A.O.B.
There was no other AGM business.
The meeting closed 7:20pm
The next AGM will be in May, 2017, date and time to be confirmed.
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