An application has been lodged with Cherwell District Council for outline planning permission to build industrial estates over 140 acres of ancient pasture on both sides of the A422 off Junction 11 of the M40 motorway. The development would link the new ‘Frontier Park’ warehousing with the M40 in the south, burying farmland once thought to be untouchable.
The applicants say the industrial units would total 140,000 square metres and be used for storage and 24-hour distribution.
To comment on the application see here Comments must be made by June 30.
A campaign group called Keep Nethercote Rural has set up a petition against the plan and also has a Facebook page
Once again residents of villages in the countryside surrounding Banbury have to object to a grossly disproportionate and unnecessary development in the almost certain knowledge that their elected council will ignore any comments, just as they did for the development 19/00128/HYBRID. Our dysfunctional representatives will judge this development not on the damage it will do to ancient farmland, communities and the pressure it will put on infrastructure, but on the revenue the business rates will bring in to the council’s coffers.
I appeal to the members of the planning committee to stand up and be counted. Do the right thing and represent your constituents’ voices, the vast majority of whom are utterly horrified with this application.
I object in the strongest possible terms to planning application 22/01488/OUT.