Wardington News

About Andrew Steven

Resident of Upper Wardington and responsible for the development of this website.

The Wardington Swifts: An Illustrated Talk on Swifts by Chris Mason

  Wardington Garden Club The Wardington Swifts: An Illustrated Talk on Swifts by Chris Mason Wednesday November 21 at 7.45pm Wardington Memorial Hall We are very lucky to have a thriving small colony of Swifts in Wardington.  Through good years and bad their numbers have been slowly increasing. Nationally they are threatened. Chris Mason is the Oxfordshire authority on these magnificent small birds.  Come and join us, everyone is welcome. Wine and soft drinks provided. There will be a small charge of £3 for non-Garden Club member. 

Volunteers needed in Williamscot

Jane Meredith is looking for a volunteer to sell poppies for Remembrance in Williamscot. If anyone would like to take on this very worthwhile and enjoyable role, please contact Jane on 01295 750459 or email janemmeredith@hotmail.co.uk  

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OFF-GRID exhibition finishing party 13th & 14th October

We are having a Finishing Party at Lockbund Gallery on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October from 11.30 am to 4.00pm.  All, plus friends, are welcome to celebrate the end of this very successful exhibition. Wine and cake! The river Cherwell flows from a trickle at Hellidon to a surge at Oxford. Winter finds it cutting through deep snow, rising to flooded heights. No landmarks are to be found, no waymarkers to be navigated as the known landscape is consumed, overlaid with a new world. In April, mess and muck is left behind, clinging to grasses and tree trunks, and then the green days come, with a dry heat only to be tempered by a slide down muddy banks into a

Harvest Supper next weekend – Reminder to book

Please come and join the 2018 Harvest Supper on Saturday 6th October 2018 at 7:30pm at Wardington Memorial Hall Cottage Pie followed by Harvest Desert Pie* and Cheese & Biscuits Cash bar and Raffle Proceeds to St. Mary Magdalene Adults £10.00 OAP/Children £7 (Under 12’s FREE) Tickets from Friends of St. Mary Magdalene or Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087 *Harvest Desert Pies - Please contact Philippa if you would like to make a desert pie from the fruits in your garden.

Harvest Supper 2018

Please come and join the 2018 Harvest Supper on Saturday 6th October 2018 at 7:30pm at Wardington Memorial Hall Cottage Pie followed by Harvest Desert Pie* and Cheese & Biscuits Cash bar and Raffle Proceeds to St. Mary Magdalene Adults £10.00 OAP/Children £7 (Under 12’s FREE) Tickets from Friends of St. Mary Magdalene or Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087 *Harvest Desert Pies - Please contact Philippa if you would like to make a desert pie from the fruits in your garden.

Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2018

NOTICE OF MAKING OF PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION AND DEFINITIVE MAP AND STATEMENT MODIFICATION ORDER, HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981   The Oxfordshire County Council, Wardington Footpath No. 27 (part), Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2018 In March 2018 the Oxfordshire County Council consulted a wide range of consultees including the Parish Council regarding a proposed diversion of the above footpath. No objections were received to those consultations. Therefore on 8th August 2018, the Oxfordshire County Council made the above Order under section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 and Section 53A(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The Order, if confirmed, will divert part of the public footpath as described and

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The fête opens at 2pm today!

Summer has returned just in time for this afternoon's fête. Please do come along for 2pm when Mrs Phillips will officially open the event.  Everything is set up for a great afternoon so please do come and join in. Cream teas with scones and cake Wardington Manor is looking beautiful, ready for the fête.

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