
About Clive Hunt

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So far Clive Hunt has created 84 blog entries.

Services via Zoom

ST MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH WARDINGTON Vicar: Revd HILARY CAMPBELL   Tel: 01295 750385  JUNE / JULY  ZOOM SERVICES  TWICE WEEKLY THE VICAR IS CURRENTLY LEADING SHORT SERVICES OF PRAYERS VIA THE ZOOM FACILITY ***************  EVERY SUNDAY – 10.00am Shires Edge Benefice Sunday Prayers ***************  EVERY TUESDAY – 12.00noon Prayer in the Day for Ordinary Time  ****************  For ‘invitation’ and link details, please contact Hilary on: 01295 750385 or    

Church Re-Opening for Private Prayer


Happy Easter 2020

A VERY HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE ‡‡‡ Sadly the Church cannot be open but, on your Easter Day walk, do visit the magnificent floral display outside the porch for personal reflection. Please remember the social distancing rules. ‡‡‡ On Easter Day at 10.00am there will be a live-streamed Diocesan Eucharist led by the Bishop of Oxford. Go to for details. ‡‡‡ Easter is one of the key times in the Church year when we think of Giving as in the collection at services. If you wish make an Easter donation in lieu of the collection, you can do this by bank transfer to: Wardington PCC – Sort Code: 30-90-42 – Account no: 00169240 - Ref: Easter EASTER DAY -

Wardington neighbourhood groups

With the overall aim of keeping everyone in the village in touch with each other at this difficult time and providing assistance to each other if or when required, the village has been divided up into twenty-one separate groups of houses with a contact person for each group. At the end of this post there are four maps showing all the house groups both numbered and colour coded. Also there is a list of all the group contacts. Hilary Patterson is the Central Co-ordinator and her contact details are shown at the top of the list Each group contact has a supply of this self-explanatory flyer . As a start to making contact with each group, flyers will be distributed

Church Christmas Draw Winners

The draw for the Church Christmas Draw took place on Tuesday evening at the Charity Evening at Barn Farm Plants. The winners were: Cottage in Yorkshire Dales for long w/e    John Rourke Family Ticket for Silverstone                         Jonathan & Jane Meredith "The Snowman" at Coventry Cathedral      Holcombe Tickets for Chipping Norton Theatre           Anne Wilkins   Champagne                                                            Alison Baker        Mumford Butcher's Token                       

Holy Week in Shires’ Edge Benefice

Holy Week Church Services in Shires' Edge Benefice   April 15th Monday in Holy Week, 7.00pm Evening Prayer from The Book of Common Prayer, at St Mary Magdalene, Wardington   April 16th Tuesday in Holy Week, 12.00 noon Holy Communion, using Iona Community liturgy, at St Mary the Virgin, Cropredy   April 17th Wednesday in Holy Week, 7.00pm Using the service of Night Prayer or Compline for Holy Week Reflections, at St James the Great, Claydon   April 18th Maundy Thursday, 7.00pm Commemoration of the Last Supper and stripping of the sanctuary, at All Saints', Great Bourton   April 19th Good Friday, 2.00pm Reflections on the Cross, at All Saints' Mollington   April 21st Easter Day, celebrations in all parishes

Church Roof Appeal

Church Roof Appeal As a reminder last November a large section of lead was stolen from the Church roof. Fortunately our insurers will cover the £20,000 cost of repairs. However there is a £500 excess to pay and there are some further unforeseen costs which may well fall outside the insurance cover. The Appeal's original target of £500 has now been reached but we have now extended the overall target to £1,000. A big thank you to all those in the village who have already supported the Appeal but we are still seeking further donations, even just £10, so as to ensure the inevitable unforeseen costs can be covered. If you would like to contribute towards the repairs please either: Send a donation to:

Church Roof Appeal

Wardington Church Roof Appeal In November last year a large section of lead was stolen from the Church roof. Following a similar theft from the roof of the chancel in 2011 various recommendations from our insurers, including the installation of a roof security system, were carried out. We were most grateful then to the many people - over eighty - in the village who contributed to the specific appeal for funds. Fortunately our insurers will cover the £20,000 cost of repairs. However there is a £500 excess to pay and there may be some further unforeseen costs which fall outside the insurance cover which we will not know about until after the work starts in early March. We are therefore appealing for

Lost House Keys?

House mortice key on ring with cork found in road near Church at 7.30pm on Sunday after carol service. Owner shops at Tesco, Waitrose, Screwfix and H & B. Contact Clive Hunt on 758087.

Memorial Hall – AGM

  WARDINGTON MEMORIAL HALL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY 19th JULY 2018 AT 7.00 PM IN THE MEMORIAL HALL AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the AGM held on 20th July 2017 Accounts for Year ended 31st March 2018 Chairman's Report Hall Property Report Hall Activities Report Election of Officers & Management Committee Any Other Business ALL RESIDENTS OF WARDINGTON, WILLIAMSCOT and COTON ARE WELCOME