
M40/A361 junction – URGENT REMINDER

The clock is ticking. If you wish to object, please don't wait any longer. Send an email to NOW! Plans have been resubmitted for the redevelopment of land to the east of the M40 at the A361 junction to include two large distribution warehouses with 32 loading bays between them and a possible third warehouse of similar size, over 200 car parking spaces and 40 HGV parking bays. The planning officer responsible is Bernadette Owens ( Your Parish Council has already objected to this application and if you would also like to object, please email the Planning Department. You are therefore urged to email as soon as possible. The planning application reads as follows: 19/00128/HYBRID | Part A: Full

Church Roof Appeal

Church Roof Appeal As a reminder last November a large section of lead was stolen from the Church roof. Fortunately our insurers will cover the £20,000 cost of repairs. However there is a £500 excess to pay and there are some further unforeseen costs which may well fall outside the insurance cover. The Appeal's original target of £500 has now been reached but we have now extended the overall target to £1,000. A big thank you to all those in the village who have already supported the Appeal but we are still seeking further donations, even just £10, so as to ensure the inevitable unforeseen costs can be covered. If you would like to contribute towards the repairs please either: Send a donation to:


Plans have been resubmitted for the redevelopment of land to the east of the M40 at the A361 junction to include two large distribution warehouses with 32 loading bays between them and a possible third warehouse of similar size, over 200 car parking spaces and 40 HGV parking bays. The planning officer responsible is Bernadette Owens ( Your Parish Council has already objected to this application and if you would also like to object, there is still a week left to email the Planning Department. You are therefore urged to email as soon as possible. The planning application reads as follows: 19/00128/HYBRID | Part A: Full planning application - the development of a new priority junction to the A361, internal

CANCELLED – Temporary Road Closure at Upper Wardington, Thorpe Road OX17 1SP

CANCELLED Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 A request has been received from Thames Water for a temporary road closure to apply to a section of Thorpe Road whilst Ferrule plug and water mains works are carried out. A Temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closures and will operate from the 15 April 2019 up to and including the 17 April 2019 Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor. A copy of the drawing showing the extent of the closure and also the alternative routes for traffic is attached. Further

New Proposal for M40 Junc 11 development – action needed

New Proposal for M40 Junc 11 development – action needed    Plans for a development on the M40 Junc 11 have been resubmitted to Cherwell District Council with some differences.  There is no service station and plans now centre on industrial units and HGV parking.  To find out more then please click on the link to the Banbury Guardian Article and the links to the planning applications.   Link to Banbury Guardian Article   Link to Planning (Part A)   Link to Planning (Part B)   As yet there is not date for this to come before the planning decision committee but it would be wise to send any objections to this sooner rather than later.  The Wardington Parish Council

Church Roof Appeal

Wardington Church Roof Appeal In November last year a large section of lead was stolen from the Church roof. Following a similar theft from the roof of the chancel in 2011 various recommendations from our insurers, including the installation of a roof security system, were carried out. We were most grateful then to the many people - over eighty - in the village who contributed to the specific appeal for funds. Fortunately our insurers will cover the £20,000 cost of repairs. However there is a £500 excess to pay and there may be some further unforeseen costs which fall outside the insurance cover which we will not know about until after the work starts in early March. We are therefore appealing for

HS2 – Wardington Presentation 5th December 2018

Attached is a link to the presentation slides used by HS2 at the community briefing held in Wardington Church, 5th December 2018. The briefing included presentations from the main contractors EiffageKier (EK) and Fusion. The Fusion slides include the proposed road and safety improvements to the A361 to manage the increased traffic volumes during the construction phase. This includes the widening of three corners through the village to allow vehicles to pass more easily, the installation of a Puffin crossing for pedestrians to access the bus stop and extending the 30mph limit by incorporating the signs into new village gates.  HS2-Wardington-Presentation-05-12-18 You can find more information and the latest news relating to HS2 in the local community by visiting -

Severe Weather and General Emergency Plan for the Parish of Wardington

Please find attached the Sever Weather and General Emergency Plan for the Parish of Wardington - very little has changed since the first time it was published 2 years ago but do have a look. Wardington-Parish-Community-Emergency-Plan_2016 Please also find attached Appendix A, relating to emergency contacts. Wardington-Parish-Community-Emergency-Plan_2016_Appendix