
Book your tickets now for Darkest Hour – Friday 15th June

Please book your tickets as soon as possible for the next Wardington Village Cinema event, when we shall be screening Darkest Hour on Friday 15th June (next Friday)! Contact Sam Young on 01295 750 871, Paul Bimson 01295 758855 or email - informing us that you are coming in advance makes the organisation of the event much easier for us. Doors open 7.15pm on with the show to start at 8pm.  There will be a half time interval to enjoy your free ice cream and the raffle.  Please feel free to bring your own food and drink to enjoy during the performance.  Ticket price is £6.50 standard, £4.50 concessions. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.  

On Friday 15th June Wardington Village Cinema will be screening Darkest Hour. During the early days of World War II, with the fall of France imminent, Britain faces its darkest hour as the threat of invasion looms. As the seemingly unstoppable Nazi forces advance, and with the Allied army cornered on the beaches of Dunkirk, the fate of Western Europe hangs on the leadership of the newly-appointed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman). While maneuvering his political rivals, he must confront the ultimate choice: negotiate with Hitler and save the British people at a terrible cost or rally the nation and fight on against incredible odds. Directed by Joe Wright, DARKEST HOUR is the dramatic and inspiring

A361 CLOSED at Wardington 3rd-7th June 2018

Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Road Closure – Wardington, Banbury Road (A361) In the interests of public safety, it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road as detailed above in order to facilitate routine surface dressing. A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 03 June 2018. The anticipated completion date is 07 June 2018. Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor.   A copy of the drawing showing the extent of the closure. Further information regarding the works may be

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HS2 Advanced Works Notifiction – Archaeological Surveys in Chipping Warden

We are  advised by HS2 that Fusion are scheduled to carry out Archaeological Trial Trenching Works in Chipping Warden . Please read the attached link “ Advanced Works Notification” , the notice provides relevant information regarding the works and also includes  location maps of the site. Archaeological-surveys-Chipping-Warden-AWN-C3012-CMYK-30-04-18-new... Please feel free to contact Lorraine from Fusion if you wish to discuss further.  Her contact details are below: Lorraine Kelly Community Liaison Officer m: +44 (0) 07591201439 w: a:  Fusion, Corner Block, 5th Floor, 2 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DL   Wardington HS2 Action Group

HS2 Community: Drop-in sessions

HS2 COMMUNITY DROP-IN SESSIONS   We will be holding our first drop-in session at Chipping Warden Village Hall in May. This will be an opportunity to come and speak with members of the delivery teams (both from Fusion and HS2). We will be continuing to hold monthly drop-in sessions within the wider community to discuss the plans and developments of the scheme. Fusion are working with local communities to keep them informed, and will provide dates in advance of impactful works, ranging from meetings with local community stakeholder groups, to holding further resident engagement events. * * * * * * *   First Event on Tuesday 8 May 2018 from 11am to 2pm Further events Tuesday 12 June 2018

Easter Celebration – Sunday, 29th April – 4.00pm

This Sunday there will be an Easter Celebration at 4.00pm at St Mary Magdalene Church. A time of worship for all ages, in the midst of the Easter season, as we continue to celebrate the joy and hope of the Easter story. We will use prayer, music, story and blessing as part of this worship, and will be joined by the Gospel Bell group Gospel Bell is an ensemble of musicians and singers based in Oxfordshire and Warwickshire who play traditional Gospel songs with an uplifting spiritual edge, with choruses that everyone can join in with. Tea/coffee and refreshments will be available afterwards. Come and join us!

Yamaha guitar for sale

Very nice acoustic guitar for sale (one very careful owner, hardly been played) a YAMAHA F370 (retailing at £173 minus case) which I am happy to sell for £150 to include a very nice soft case which was bought separately. No scratches or dents and ‘as new’. Lance at Heritage Music in Brackley is happy to verify the value of the guitar which was bought from them roughly five years ago. Will accept reasonable offers……. Please call Helen Holbech on 01295 750577 or email

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Shout Out Oxfordshire

BBC Radio Oxford is launching a new feature for community groups and charities wanting to make an appeal Do you want more members of volunteers, need donated items or a helping hand, or want more people to use your community service? All you need to do is email or call 03459 311 444 and we'll send you details of how to record an appeal. We also publicise local events too! Email with details of yours. Download the Shout-Out-A4-Poster here and the Shout-Out-A5-poster here.

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Reminder: Paddington 2 Screening this Friday (20th April)!

Just a quick reminder that we are screening Paddington 2 at the village hall this Friday night (20th April), doors open at 7.15pm, film starts at 8pm. We are a little short on numbers, so please come along if you can - you can pay on the door but it'll help us greatly if you let us know before if you are planning to attend. You are welcome to bring your own food and drink to enjoy during the film, but we also provide a free ice cream in the half time interval, when we also draw a raffle (contributions to the raffle are greatly appreciated). All profits from the night go to the upkeep of the village hall. Paul