A361 – Road Closure between Wardington and Chipping Warden

A361 - Road Closure between Wardington and Chipping Warden This morning 2nd December 2024 we received the follow message from Cllr George Reynolds:- I have been contacted about the road closure. Apparently a sink hole has appeared but OCC think the bridge is okay but they will need to wait for the water to go down or ditches cleared so it can drain away before they examine the bridge structure. Then they will have to  do repairs Clearly this will all take time so do not expect a quick opening of the road. I have made the point that they must work with HS2 to prevent their traffic using the minor roads. I suspect there is not a lot can

Wardington Parish Council Response to Huscote Farm Planning Appeal

The following objection has been submitted to the planning inspectorate on behalf of Wardington Parish Council in relation to the Huscote Farm planning appeal: Wardington Parish Council supports the Objections raised by Parish Councils in West Northants including our neighbouring Parish of Chacombe The Objections submitted by Wardington Parish Council  are as follows: Summary: The size of the proposed development Yet more unsightly warehousing The employment created will be mainly low skilled and low paid Not consistent with the CDC Local Plan and its aspirations It will put yet more pressure on the already congested and air polluted Junction 11 area It will result in the permanent loss of an environmentally and visually important area of countryside 1.The Size of

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Notice of Wardington Road closure, from 2nd September.

Notice of Wardington Road closure, from 2nd September. Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 Please click on the link for details the upcoming road closure of Wardington Road, nr Chipping Warden (also know as Egdcote Road), beginning on 2 September 2024 for approximately one year, to complete a number of construction activities including; river diversion, road regrading and installing the beams for the viaduct which run over the road. Culworth Road in Chipping Warden will remain open during this time. Notice-of-road-closure-Wardington-Road-Edgcote-August-2024.pdf (hs2.org.uk)   Haidee Williams Engagement Manager Advance notice of annual leave: 24 August – 3 September. Eiffage Kier Ferrovial BAM JV |  HS2 Team |  5th Floor, Exchange House, 450 Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes, MK9 2EA Mob: +44

FREE CPR and Defibrillator Training Session

Cardiac Arrest or a heart attack can happen to anyone. When it does, having someone on hand who knows how to perform CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and use a defibrillator is critical and can save a life. We have had a defibrillator in place in Wardington for some time but many people have told us in the past they would not be confident in using resuscitation techniques or in using the defibrillator. In response to this the Parish Council has arranged a Defibrillator and CPR Training session for parishioners with the support of St John Ambulance which will take place from 10:30am to 12-12:30pm at Wardington Memorial Hall on Saturday 28th September. All are welcome to attend (including responsible teenagers

HS2 – A361 night time closures this weekend 16-17 Feb

A361 night time closures this weekend 16-17 Feb Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 The weather affected progress of the A361 bridge maintenance last weekend. While much of the work was completed, some tasks were not possible. We will be working again this weekend, requiring a closure on Friday 16 February and Saturday 17 February, from 8.30pm to 5.30am. A copy of our work notice is available here: Notice-of-night-time-closure-A361-Chipping-Warden-Feb-24.pdf (hs2.org.uk) Simon Davis Engagement Manager

HS2 – Wardington Update – Changes

HS2 - Wardington Traffic Update - Changes In the recent update the diversion route for the Wardington Road closures showed the wrong route on the PDF that was circulated. Apologies, as you know already, there is no access through the Edgcote Estate to Chipping Warden.   The correct diversion is through Wardington and I have amended our maps. Our construction traffic will not be using this route through Wardington, it is purely a diversion route for members of the public who aren’t familiar with the area.    I have attached an amended version of the 'lookahead' presentation to this email with the map change. The 1 day Wardington Road closure planned for 15 January has been cancelled.  The survey work planned

Parish Path Wardens for Wardington parish wanted

Parish Path Wardens for Wardington parish wanted. We have a request regarding Parish Path Wardens for our parish . Does anybody have  an interest in holding this position? The attached link is a poster with details if anyone interested. PPW Recruitment Poster (1) Please contact: John Gregory Email: jgregorybno@gmail.com Parish Path Warden Coordinator for Banbury and North Oxfordshire

HS2 – Traffic management affecting Wardington

HS2 - Traffic management affecting Wardington HS2 will be building the Edgcote Viaduct next year and there will be some road closures in the early part of 2024.    In preparation,  attached are some slides explaining some of the work planned. Wardington Update 15 DEC 23 Simon Davis Engagement Manager  

Traffic management (traffic light area) on the A361 during August

Traffic management (traffic light area) on the A361 during August Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 We will soon start to prepare the verges of the A361 for the highway realignment, over the Chipping Warden Green Tunnel. This is first phase is early preparatory work, with the new section of highway being constructed during spring and summer 2024. In order to do this, we will be extending the area under traffic light control, near to our compound entrance. Full details of this work are available on the following link.   https://assets.hs2.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/AWN-Notice-of-traffic-management-A361-Chipping-Warden-August-2023_PDF.pdf   A section of the A361 will have temporary traffic management in the form of traffic lights 24 hours a day, from 14 August 2023, for approximately 6

A361 – Early morning temporary closure on 20 August 2023

A361 - Early morning temporary closure on 20 August 2023 Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2. As you may recall from our activities last year, some of our wider precast sections of tunnel require a road closure to travel from Banbury to Chipping Warden. The vast majority of the precast units pass each day without this. The southbound carriageway of the A361 will be closed off-peak, for a maximum period of between 5am and 9am, on  Sunday 20 August 2023, with a back up date of 3 September 2023. The road may well open earlier than 9am.     The works notice is in the link below, please feel free to share with your contacts. The map shows the section of