Wardington Spring Clean – 6th April 2019
This year the village Spring Clean will take place on 6th April 2019 - more details to follow shortly. Please put the date in your diary!
This year the village Spring Clean will take place on 6th April 2019 - more details to follow shortly. Please put the date in your diary!
The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington invite you to join them for an evening of light-hearted entertainment, good wine, good food and good company, kindly sponsored by North Oxfordshire Wines, on Saturday 30th March 2019 at 7pm for 7:30pm start in Wardington Memorial Hall If you haven't been to this event before then do come and join in - it's really good fun. You are welcomed with a drink before forming teams of approximately six people. Three 'Bluffers' will then describe the wine you're drinking and your team has to decide who is telling the truth. There will be six wines to taste, so six rounds of guessing. After the tasting comes a delicious supper, accompanied by more
If you are against HS2 please sign this parliamentary petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/230452. If you are not against HS2 then forgive the intrusion. Please send to as many people as you are able.
The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington invite you to join them for an evening of light-hearted entertainment, good wine, good food and good company, kindly sponsored by North Oxfordshire Wines, on Saturday 30th March 2019 at 7pm for 7:30pm start in Wardington Memorial Hall Tickets at £18 are available from Philippa Hunt (philippa.hunt@btinternet.com or 01295 758087) Or buy your tickets online for £18.80 (price includes 80p per ticket PayPal fees - to save the fees, please pay Philippa by cash or cheque!): Choose the quantity after clicking the PayPal button below. You can use any credit card to pay and you don't need a PayPal account! Please book as soon as possible! All proceeds towards replacing the church
Wardington Garden Club AGM 2019 The Club visits local gardens in the summer. We take part in the Fete at The Manor and have a visiting speaker in November. Our members represent all sizes and types of garden. Some are keen gardeners. Some just enjoy looking at gardens. Some just like spending an evening with local friends. All are welcome. Our year starts with the AGM on Wednesday March 27 *********************************** AGM: Wednesday March 27 Time: 7.30pm Venue: The Memorial Hall *********************************** Come and collect your Programme and Discount Cards Wine & Soft drinks provided Potential Members and Guests welcome *********************************** Further information from Secretary Jane Pearson (01295) 750316 Treasurer Malcolm Patterson (01295) 750014
The clock is ticking. If you wish to object, please don't wait any longer. Send an email to bernadette.owens@cherwellandsouthnorthants.gov.uk NOW! Plans have been resubmitted for the redevelopment of land to the east of the M40 at the A361 junction to include two large distribution warehouses with 32 loading bays between them and a possible third warehouse of similar size, over 200 car parking spaces and 40 HGV parking bays. The planning officer responsible is Bernadette Owens (bernadette.owens@cherwellandsouthnorthants.gov.uk). Your Parish Council has already objected to this application and if you would also like to object, please email the Planning Department. You are therefore urged to email as soon as possible. The planning application reads as follows: 19/00128/HYBRID | Part A: Full
Church Roof Appeal As a reminder last November a large section of lead was stolen from the Church roof. Fortunately our insurers will cover the £20,000 cost of repairs. However there is a £500 excess to pay and there are some further unforeseen costs which may well fall outside the insurance cover. The Appeal's original target of £500 has now been reached but we have now extended the overall target to £1,000. A big thank you to all those in the village who have already supported the Appeal but we are still seeking further donations, even just £10, so as to ensure the inevitable unforeseen costs can be covered. If you would like to contribute towards the repairs please either: Send a donation to:
Plans have been resubmitted for the redevelopment of land to the east of the M40 at the A361 junction to include two large distribution warehouses with 32 loading bays between them and a possible third warehouse of similar size, over 200 car parking spaces and 40 HGV parking bays. The planning officer responsible is Bernadette Owens (bernadette.owens@cherwellandsouthnorthants.gov.uk). Your Parish Council has already objected to this application and if you would also like to object, there is still a week left to email the Planning Department. You are therefore urged to email as soon as possible. The planning application reads as follows: 19/00128/HYBRID | Part A: Full planning application - the development of a new priority junction to the A361, internal
The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington invite you to join them for an evening of light-hearted entertainment, good wine, good food and good company, kindly sponsored by North Oxfordshire Wines, onSaturday 30th March 2019 at 7pm for 7:30pm startinWardington Memorial HallTickets at £18 are available from Philippa Hunt (philippa.hunt@btinternet.com or 01295 758087)Or buy your tickets online for £18.80 (price includes 80p per ticket PayPal fees - to save the fees, please pay Philippa by cash or cheque!): Choose the quantity after clicking the PayPal button below. You can use any credit card to pay and you don't need a PayPal account!Please book as soon as possible!All proceeds towards replacing the church aisle lights.
The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington invite you to join them for an evening of light-hearted entertainment, good wine, good food and good company on Saturday 30th March 2019 at 7pm for 7:30pm start in Wardington Memorial Hall Tickets at £18 are available from Philippa Hunt (philippa.hunt@btinternet.com or 01295 758087) Please book as soon as possible! All proceeds towards replacing the church aisle lights.