General interest

Mid Summer Safari Supper 19th June 2015

Building on the success of the past nine years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in this very popular event, designed to provide the opportunity for villagers old and new to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. You can join in by: Offering to host either 6 or more people (including hosts) for supper, main course only with wine. Providing a pudding for ‘After Dinner’ held at the Memorial Hall. Simply purchasing a ticket to attend the evening’s activities. The evening will begin with a reception when you will have the chance to meet your hosts and fellow guests. The programme for the evening

Dog fouling of the sports field

Please be reminded that the Sports Field is privately owned and the use of it is currently for the benefit and enjoyment of villagers, kindly given previously by Lord and Lady Wardington and currently by the family members who are the owners. Dog fouling is now a very serious issue and a health hazard within the sports field. Most responsible dog owners clean up after pets who have fouled and dispose of it appropriately e.g. in the Dog Bin provided by the council at the entrance to the field at Corner Mount. Some others do not. PLEASE respect and enjoy this generously donated facility and ensure that whoever takes your dog out, cleans up the mess and disposes of it

Oil buying scheme

Jean Butler would like to recommend an oil buying scheme she is a member of that she says is the cheapest per litre that she has found. For details read on…

Wardington Village Cinema is back in January!

Seasons Greetings from all at Wardington Village Cinema! We are excited to announce that the Wardington Village Cinema will start again on Friday 23rd January, screening the comedy "The Odd Couple"!  So please let either Paul Bimpson or Sam Young know if you intend to come along, either by telephone (see poster for contact details) or via the Wardington Cinema email ( We also have great news that the reverberation panels have now been installed, which will greatly enhance the quality of the sound in the Memorial Hall. The classic 1968 comedy "The Odd Couple" was voted for by the attendees of the last cinema evening: "Neil Simon has a special genius for finding the great hilarity in ordinary people doing everyday

Big Butterfly Count

Please do get involved in this year's Big Butterfly Count. Details per the newsletter here from the Butterfly Conservation Trust: Or link directly to the website for full details:

Village Cinema – Thank You

A very big thank you for the excellent support we have received from the community since the launch of the film nights earlier this year, where we have seen an average attendance of 40 and for the ‘Sunshine on Leith’ and  ‘Quartet’ screenings, over 60 came along – which is fantastic !!! We are delighted to announce and following the summer break, we will resume the film nights in the Memorial Hall in the early autumn with a regular evening feature to take place on the 2nd Friday of each month with the first few dates confirmed: ·         Friday 12th September ·         Friday 10th October ·         Friday 14th November Doors open at 7.30pm and the film will commence at 8pm. Tickets are £6.00 for standard/£4.00 for concessions

Final Call for the Safari Supper

The booking deadline for the Safari Supper is today! Please make sure you have secured your tickets to this very popular event. Come and join in! Book now via Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087 or download the application form and hand it in. Ticket application form for Safari Supper 2014

Safari Supper Friday 20th June 2014

Following our last announcement this is a gentle reminder to make sure that you have booked you tickets for the annual Safari Supper on Friday 20th June. Book now via Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087 or download the application form and hand it in. Ticket application form for Safari Supper 2014

Safari Supper Friday 20th June 2014

Building on the success of the past eight years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in this very popular event, designed to provide the opportunity for villagers, old and new, to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. Tickets are selling fast so book now via Philippa Hunt on 01295 758087 or download the application form and hand it in. Ticket application form for Safari Supper 2014

Wine Tasting – Final Call!

If you've not already booked tickets for Friday night's "Call My Wine Bluff" in the Memorial Hall, please call Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie or Philippa Hunt as soon as you can to reserve tickets. The evening is sponsored by SH Jones, our local wine merchant, and is always really good fun - you don't have to know anything about wine - just come and enjoy an evening of laughs, good food and good wine. Steve: 01295 758369 Philippa: 01295 758087