St. Mary Magdalene

Christmas Fundraising Draw

St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, Christmas Fundraising Draw. ENTER ON-LINE - CLICK HERE! Join our Church Christmas Fund Raising Appeal with Prizes to be won too! Prizes to include: Long week-end in cottage in the Yorkshire Dales (donated by Roderick & Nikki Stell) Festive Christmas Hamper (donated by DSV (UK) Ltd) Champagne £30 Barn Farm Plants Voucher Mumford Butchers' Voucher Meal for Two (with Wine) at Hare & Hounds Bottles of red wine for Christmas Case of Carlsberg Lager Case of Ale Follow the link to the ticket page. Pledge the number of tickets you want and pay by BACS to be entered into the draw. Full instructions on the Prize Draw page.

Tuesday, 23rd March National Day of Reflection

Marie Curie in conjunction with St MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH, WARDINGTON Tuesday, 23rd March National Day of Reflection   Reflect • Support • Hope Take a minute’s silence at 12 noon on 23rd March to show your support for the millions of people who are bereaved and take a moment to connect with someone At 12.05pm a Church bell will be tolled for ten minutes At 8.00pm ‘share the light’ moment with candles and lanterns in windows The Church will be open for private prayer from 11.30am to 4.00pm God of Love, As we think about all that has changed this year, help us to trust that you are always with us. As we remember those who have died, help us

Christmas Fundraising Draw – The Winners

The Christmas Fundraising Draw took place this afternoon. The lucky winners were: Long week-end in cottage in the Yorkshire Dales:             George Griffin Festive Christmas Hamper:                                                     Julie Campbell Champagne:                                                                                Roderick Stell £30 Barn Farm Plants Voucher:                                 

LAST CALL: Christmas Fundraising Draw

The St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, Christmas Fundraising Draw will now close on Monday 21st December. Please do consider buying some tickets if you haven't already. ENTER ON-LINE - CLICK HERE! Join our Church Christmas Fund Raising Appeal with Prizes to be won too! Prizes to include: Long week-end in cottage in the Yorkshire Dales Festive Christmas Hamper Champagne £30 Barn Farm Plants Voucher Mumford Butchers Voucher Case of Carlsberg Lager Case of Landlord Ale Wine from Majestic Wine Follow the link to the ticket page. Pledge the number of tickets you want and pay by BACS to be entered into the draw. Full instructions on the Prize Draw page.

Christmas Fundraising Draw

St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, Christmas Fundraising Draw. ENTER ON-LINE - CLICK HERE! Join our Church Christmas Fund Raising Appeal with Prizes to be won too! Prizes to include: Long week-end in cottage in the Yorkshire Dales Festive Christmas Hamper Champagne £30 Barn Farm Plants Voucher Mumford Butchers Voucher Case of Carlsberg Lager Case of Landlord Ale Wine from Majestic Wine Follow the link to the ticket page. Pledge the number of tickets you want and pay by BACS to be entered into the draw. Full instructions on the Prize Draw page.

Happy Easter 2020

A VERY HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE ‡‡‡ Sadly the Church cannot be open but, on your Easter Day walk, do visit the magnificent floral display outside the porch for personal reflection. Please remember the social distancing rules. ‡‡‡ On Easter Day at 10.00am there will be a live-streamed Diocesan Eucharist led by the Bishop of Oxford. Go to for details. ‡‡‡ Easter is one of the key times in the Church year when we think of Giving as in the collection at services. If you wish make an Easter donation in lieu of the collection, you can do this by bank transfer to: Wardington PCC – Sort Code: 30-90-42 – Account no: 00169240 - Ref: Easter EASTER DAY -

Message from Revd Hilary Campbell

Hello everyone, An update on church services: The Church of England has confirmed that public worship is to stop for the time being.  Our usual pattern of Sunday services and other mid-week gatherings must be put on hold.  There will be changes to the way we can gather as church. We will seek to make the buildings accessible for prayer and reflection. There will be arrangements for weddings and funerals. For those who would find it helpful, we will provide prayer and reflection resources that can be used at home. We will investigate other ways of sharing times of worship. There is an invitation for this Sunday, which is Mothering Sunday, to make this a moment of coming together. We

A Peal for Evelyn Phillips tomorrow morning, starting at 9:30am

A group of experienced ringers from the Banbury & Oxford areas will be coming to ring a peal on the Wardington bells on Saturday 14th December; they will start ringing at about 9.30a.m. and the peal will take approximately 3 hours. Peals are normally rung to mark something special, which may be local or national, and this peal is being rung in appreciation of Mrs Evelyn Phillips and to celebrate her 100th and 101st birthdays. What is a peal? Nowadays it indicates a minimum of 5,040 changes – where two bells change place – but there is also a long list of rules, some of which are:  Every bell must sound at every row of six blows throughout the peal.

A Peal for Evelyn Phillips on Saturday 14th December

A group of experienced ringers from the Banbury & Oxford areas will be coming to ring a peal on the Wardington bells on Saturday 14th December; they will start ringing at about 9.30a.m. and the peal will take approximately 3 hours. Peals are normally rung to mark something special, which may be local or national, and this peal is being rung in appreciation of Mrs Evelyn Phillips and to celebrate her 100th and 101st birthdays. What is a peal? Nowadays it indicates a minimum of 5,040 changes – where two bells change place – but there is also a long list of rules, some of which are:  Every bell must sound at every row of six blows throughout the peal.