Wardington Playground

Playground 200 Club

After 20+ years Wardington Parish Council have taken the decision to end the Playground 200 Club

Over recent years there has been a steady decline in the number of members of the Club. As a result income from this source has gradually decreased. This, coupled with recently imposed bank charges, has meant that maintaining the 200 Club is now of negligible net benefit to the upkeep of the Playground.

The Parish Council recognize the importance of the Playground to the local community and are committed to maintaining it for the benefit of current and future generations. It will be funded by continuing to take advantage of grants that are available from time to time and Parish Funds in general.

The Council would like to thank members of the 200 Club for their donations over many years. Members need to take no action. The bank account traditionally used for the 200 Club has been closed. This means that Standing Orders, Direct Debits and other payments will be cancelled automatically.


Wardington Parish Council