Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting
Location: Wardington Memorial Hall
Date: Tuesday, 26th July, 2016 (7:30pm)
In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes, Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk)
Parishioners: Ms J Funnell. Mrs R Page, Mr I Fuller.
Apologies: Mrs A Pasco, Mr A Crossley, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr G Martin.
1. Minutes of previous meeting. (21st June, 2016) Approved and signed.
2. Matters arising from previous minutes.
2.1 HS2 Update
Mr Jarrett reported that Charles Holbech, Malcolm Patterson and Bob Jarrett had attended the House of Lords Select Committee Hearing where Charles Holbech had expertly presented our petition. Despite HS2’s continued non-committal to reduce the traffic volume, Charles continued to stress our concerns and proposed relief options. We await to hear the outcome in the autumn.
Malcolm Patterson added that Charles outlined our main concerns including that construction traffic should be restricted to weekdays 8:00am to 6:00pm only. The possibility of reducing the need of spoil from Turweston, by perhaps using spoil from the Priors Hardwick section was dismissed by HS2 as not suitable for the required engineering work. On the subject of a bypass for Wardington there was no support from either HS2 or OCC.
OCC have stated that any mitigating measures proposed by HS2 will be conveyed to Wardington for discussion. The Action group agree that closer working with OCC is required and a meeting should be arranged in August to pursue our needs and concerns.
2.2 Pond Opposite Chapel Cottages
Mr Jarrett reported that the Parish Council had applied to the CDC that the pond be nominated for:-
1. Local Heritage Asset (LHA)
2. Asset of Community Value (ACV).
CDC have acknowledged receipt for both.
2.3 War Memorial Cleaning
Cakebreads were unable to quote for cleaning the War Memorial as it was made of Hornton Stone. However, we are now waiting for a quote from Humphris who remember cleaning it 12 years ago.
3. Planning.
1. 16/00950/F Mr Simon Paxton, Sadies Cottage, Williamscot. Erection of two storey rear extension. NO OBJECTION
2. 16/00152/TCA – Mr R Harwood, 2 Manor Flat, Upper Wardington Leylandii – Reduce height to waist level NO OBJECTION
3. 16/01378/TPO Mr Ian Fuller, Stonebrook House, Williamscot. To fell 4 Poplar trees. NO OBJECTION
4. 16/00699/F – Mr & Mrs Aylmer, Bridge Lake Farm, Chacombe Road for the erection of vehicle shelter and wood store: garage conversion to habitable accommodation. Revision from 2012. – Permission GRANTED.
5. 16/00950/F Mr Simon Paxton, Sadies Cottage, Williamscot. Erection of two storey rear extension. REFUSED
4. Finance.
4.1 Budget for 2016-2017
The presented budget was discussed and approved by Council.
4.2 Clerk’s Pay Scale
It was agreed by Council to increase the Clerk’s pay to SCP20 on the NJC pay scale, £9.99p per hour. This was based on a 10 hour working week.
4.3 Invoices – Cheques for authorization:-
100838 Clerk’s Pay – June 2016 277.40
100839 PAYE – June 2016 69.20
100840 Clerk’s Pay – July 2016 277.20
100841 PAYE – July 2016 69.40
100842 M Patterson. Re-imbursement of rail fares HS2 Action Group to attend the House of Lords Hearing. 237.00
4.4 Playground 200 Club draw.
100629 £20 Mr C R Morgan
100630 £10 Mrs Z Morgan
5. New Business
5.1 Removal of the public telephone kiosk in Williamscot
A request had been received from a Williamscot resident to remove the telephone kiosk, as it was never used and was becoming a ‘grubby eye-sore’. BT have been contacted, they confirmed that the telephone is rarely used and have started the process for removal. The process will last up to 3 months and removal depends on any objections being raised.
5.2 Warbler Printing
Mr Jarrett reported that at the last CLP Meeting of the Communications Working Group it was proposed to change the printer and upgrade the quality to a colour edition. Mr Jarrett asked for support and that the next edition to be produced in colour. There would be an additional cost of £120. After some discussion, it was agreed to go ahead in colour for the next edition and to review parishioners’ feedback and costs in respect of future editions.
5.3 Wardington.net website, financial contribution.
Mr Jarrett, again reporting on behalf of the CLP Communications Working Group, asked council to consider a payment of £10 per month towards the on-going costs of the Wardington website. Council acknowledged the benefits of the website but requested more information to appreciate the running costs before making any decision.
6 A.O.B.
6.1 Ms Jan Funnell raised several issues:
6.1.1 Parking: Ms Jan Funnell, thanked members of council for attending the meeting with Sanctuary Housing to discuss the parking issues. At the meeting we determined what was Sanctuary land and what belongs to the Highways. Sanctuary Housing were not prepared to make any constructive proposal to increase the parking availability on their land. It was decided to contact OCC Highways and ask if it was possible for the Parish Council to create suitable parking on the grass verges, to level the ground, place hard-core on the areas, cover with parking protection mesh and re-seed. We are still waiting to hear back from Highways.
6.1.2 Grass Cutting: Ms Funnell requested, as we have now established what is Sanctuary and what is highways land, that we modify the grass cutting contract ‘not to cut their grass’. Mr Page said he would speak with the contractor.
6.1.3 Trees: Ms Funnell raised the matter of a tree that had been planted on Highways land in Upper Wardington and that in time it would obstruct pedestrians’ access to a footway. She asked whether the person who planted the tree was legally entitled to do so and whose responsibility it was cut back or remove it. It was recommended that Ms Funnell should have a quiet word with the property owners to see if they were aware of the potential problem and would remove the tree voluntarily.
6.1.4 Dogs: Ms Funnel complained about dogs fouling the footpaths and their owners disregard for the law. It was said that the dog fouling situation was not improving and that we needed more action, especially with reporting the said person, dog and time of day when they are likely to be found out.
6.2 Trees in Chelmscote Row
Mr Jarrett said he had received an e-mail, on behalf of Miss Jean Heritage of 14 Chelmscote Row, regarding a row of trees close to their houses. These were causing the residents a considerable problem with debris and affecting their quality of life. Also, there had been some damage to the drainage system attributed to the trees.
Although the trees were planted by the parish council they are on Sanctuary Housing land and are the sole responsibility of Sanctuary Housing and they should be advised.
6.3 Footpath on the A361
On behalf of council, Mr Patterson thanked Ian Franklin for cleaning the footpath between Buttercup Barn and The Lodge, which has been in an extremely muddy and dirty state since last autumn. Countless complaints to OCC have been ignored.
6.4 Fairport Sales
In the absence of Mr Atack, it was announced that the Fairport Sales are expected to provide £3,120 into the Williamscot Account.
6.5 Grass Cutting near the Hare and Hounds
There was a complaint that the grass between the Hare and Hounds and the 30 mile an hour sign was not cut during the last grass cutting visit. There seemed to be some confusion whether or not this area is covered on the contract. This was to be investigated and resolved.
The meeting closed 8:40pm
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 6th September, 2016 at 7:30pm in the village hall.
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