Clubs & Groups


November is not too early to start thinking about next Spring. Robert Longstaff, well known speaker and founder of the Oxford Garden Project, is coming to Wardington to talk about Community Garden Projects. They are a community activity for people of all ages They promote the value of fresh fruit and vegetables They give young people in particular hands on experience of nature at work THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16 7.30PM WARDINGTON MEMORIAL HALL Do come and join us Wine & Soft Drinks provided Garden Club Members free Visitors & Guests £2 You will be very welcome Further Information: Malcolm Patterson 01295 750014

Cricket Club Dinner Dance 21st October

Wardington Cricket Club Dinner Dance and End of Season Presentation Evening Saturday 21st October 2017 at 7pm Wardington Memorial Hall Pig Roast, Bar, Live Music, Slave Auction & Raffle And return of the home-made puddings (by popular demand) Tickets £20 Whole-table booking for up to 8 also available Tickets from: Chris Morgan on 07831 337363 or 01295 750408 Claire Tucker on 07903 068813 or 01327 871784 Gill Slade on 07947 027582

Fourth Cinema Season Celebration

It's not too late to book your place at this Friday's village cinema performance.  We are celebrating a fourth year of screening films to the village at the memorial hall, and will be doing so with a colonial style themed social evening. The evening will start earlier than usual at 7pm to allow time to enjoy a Raj style buffet spread, followed by the film "Viceroy's House".  We will however have the usual raffle in the half time interval (prize donations gratefully received) and encourage the audience to stay on after to socialise further. If you do plan to come, please let us know so we can cater for the correct numbers - Telephone Paul Bimson on 01295 758855 or

Time to book your tickets

Tickets are selling fast for Wardington Village Cinema's screening of Viceroy's House next Friday (6th October). So, to avoid disappointment, book your tickets now by calling either Paul (01295 778855) or Sam (01295 750871) or email We look forward to seeing you for this special colonial style themed evening to celebrate a fourth successful year of Wardington Village Cinema.

HS2 Disaster’s Petition

HS2 Disaster's Petition Below you have the opportunity to have your say and stop this project , “Chris Grayling MP: Cancel HS2 Immediately and cut all its funding..” This is extremely important and if you agree, then please sign and forward it too.. Here’s the link:   Wardington HS2 Action Group

Time to book your tickets for Wardington Village Cinema

On Friday 21st July (next week) Wardington Village Cinema will be showing the film "Lion" - So it's time to book your tickets! Lion is the incredible true story about a five-year-old Indian boy named Saroo, whose life is changed in 1986 after being separated from his idolised older brother, ending up more than a thousand miles from his home and family. Tickets £6.50 standard, £4.50 concessions. Doors open at 7.15pm with the film starting at 8pm. There will be a half time interval when free ice-creams will be severed.  There will also be a raffle (prize contributions will be gratefully accepted). If you plan to attend please let either Paul (758855) or Sam (750871) know, or email, so we

Time to book your tickets for this Friday’s cinema night!

Please book your tickets as soon as possible for this Friday's  screening (19th May) of "The Girl on the Train". Join us to enjoy this thriller that was chosen by the previous audience of Wardington Village Cinema: "After Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) is divorced by her husband, she hates riding to work on the train each morning and seeing her ex-husband living in their old house with his new wife. To distract herself, Rachel focuses on their happily married neighbours, Megan and Scott Hipwell instead. One day, as she passes on the train, she sees something shocking. The next morning, Rachel wakes up with an awful hangover, no memory of yesterday, and several wounds. She has a vague feeling that

Wardington Garden Club 2017 programme

Wednesday 29 March at 7.45pm AGM in the Village Hall Wednesday 26 April at 7.30pm Illustrated talk about tulips, Wardington Manor Courtesy of Bridget Elworthy Monday 5 June at 6.30pm Visit to The Rectory, Main Street, Aston-le-Walls, NN11 6UF Meet at Village Hall 6.00pm. Courtesy of Phillip Astley-Jones Sunday 11 June at 2.00pm Wardington Village Fete (A Celebration of Flowers), Wardington Manor Wednesday 28 June at 6.30pm Visit to Lois Weedon House, Weedon Lois, Northants, NN12 8PJ Meet at Village Hall 6.00pm. Courtesy of Lady Sue Greenaway Wednesday 12 July at 6.30pm Visit to Rousham Park & Gardens, Rousham, OX25 4QU Depart Village Hall at 5.55pm. Courtesy of Charles Cottrell-Dormer Saturday 2 September at 2.30pm Flower Show Village Hall. Booking-in Friday

Short Mat Bowls Club – Silver Celebration

SILVER CELEBRATION The 16th July this year sees the 25th Anniversary of the formation of one of the village’s longest running and continuing clubs.                                    Who are we ? -  -  - - - -  We are proud to be:-      “ WARDINGTON SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB”  The first meeting was organised by Douglas and Jean Wise and held in July 1992 at their home at The Old Coach House, Wardington. A committee was formed and membership was then 10. This shortly increased to around 20 with all but 1 being local residents. Equipment was purchased and bowling was well supported every week. We joined the Northants County League in 1993 and played various clubs within the county in the local

Wardington Garden Club 2017 – AGM

Wardington Garden Club 2017 The Club visits gardens and other places of interest locally through the summer. There is a Produce and Craft Show in September and another indoor event during the winter. Our members represent all sizes and types of garden. Some are keen gardeners. Some just enjoy looking at gardens. Some just like spending an evening with local friends. All are welcome. Our year starts with the AGM on Wednesday March 29 *********************************** AGM: Wednesday March 29 Time: 7.45pm Venue: The Memorial Hall *********************************** Come and collect your Programme and Discount Cards Wine, soft drinks and nibbles provided Potential Members and Guests welcome *********************************** Further information from Secretary Jane Pearson (01295) 750316 Treasurer Malcolm Patterson (01295) 750014