
Spot the Easter Egg!

Please help to keep kids occupied on their walks round the village by putting a picture or model of an egg in a window or somewhere outside your house. Obviously we can’t have a proper Easter egg hunt, so nothing that will be picked up, please. There are two eggs hanging in the windows of Tite Cottage for starters.

Spot the Easter Egg!

Please help to keep kids occupied on their walks round the village by putting a picture or model of an egg in a window or somewhere outside your house. Obviously we can’t have a proper Easter egg hunt, so nothing that will be picked up, please. There are two eggs hanging in the windows of Tite Cottage for starters.

HS2/Fusion Drop-in cancelled

HS2/Fusion Drop-in cancelled After careful consideration, taking into account government advice, the bi-weekly drop-in events at The Hare and Hounds in Wardington have been cancelled until further notice. Note: The drop-in scheduled for  Wednesday, 18th March 2020 is cancelled. If you have any concerns in respect of the roadworks being carried out by Fusion on the A361 through Wardington you can:- Contact - HS2/ Fusion on Freephone 08081 434434 or Contact - Wardington Parish Council on 01295 758084 or by email:   Wardington Parish Council  

HS2/Fusion Drop-in event Wednesday 4th March

HS2/Fusion Drop-in event Wednesday 4th March 2020 Fusion on behalf of HS2 are holding their bi-weekly drop-in event on:- Wednesday 4th March, at The Hare and Hounds, between 5:00 - 7:00pm These are informal sessions we they can share information on the roadworks and closures in the area. Carley and a member of the Fusion team will be available to answer your questions and address any issues about the Wardington Safety Improvement Works, Chipping Warden and Aston Le Walls roadworks.   Wardington Parish Council  


The following dates have been supplied by Fusion on behalf of HS2 ROAD CLOSURE DATES Start Finish                        Chipping Warden 21/02/2020 24/02/2020   Closure on A361 (South tie-in) Friday 8pm – Monday 6am 24/04/2020 27/04/2020 Closure on A361 (South tie-in) Friday 8pm – Monday 6am 15/05/2020 18/05/2020 Closure on A361 (South tie-in) Friday 8pm – Monday 6am 22/05/2020 25/05/2020 Closure on A361 (South tie-in) Friday 8pm – Monday 6am 28/02/2020 02/03/2020 Closure on A361 (North) Friday 8pm – Monday 6am 06/03/2020 09/03/2020 Closure on A361 (North) Friday 8pm – Monday 6am 03/04/2020 06/04/2020 Closure on A361 (North) Friday 8pm – Monday 6am 29/05/2020 01/06/2020 Closure on A361 (North) Friday 8pm

HS2 – Roadworks in the Chipping Warden area

HS2 - Roadworks in the Chipping Warden area Fusion working on behalf of HS2 recently gave a presentation in Chipping Warden,  in respect to roadworks in the Chipping Warden area. The information slides, in the link below, include  the roadworks through Wardington and details of full road closures. These closures, when they occur, can affect people's travel and some bus services. Chipping warden presentation 120220  Fusion will resume their bi-weekly Drop-in events at the Hare and Hounds starting Wednesday 4th March 5:00pm to 7:00pm. The purpose of these events is if you have any questions or concerns regarding the works in the area there will be representative on hand with whom to discuss them.   Wardington Parish Council

Tai Chi classes in Wardington – March / April Programme

TAI CHI Gentle movement for health and wellbeing at Wardington Memorial Hall   Mar/Apr 2020 Programme Tuesdays March 3rd  10:00 – 11:00am March 10th  2:00 – 3:00pm March 17th 10:00 – 11:00am March 24th 10:00 – 11:00am April 14th       2:00 – 3:00pm April 21st    10:00 – 11:00am April 28th   10:00 – 11:00am * * * * * * * * * * For further details contact: 01295 758084 * * * *

Latest News on HS2/Fusion Work in Wardington

Latest News on HS2/Fusion Work in Wardington You are probably aware of the road widening taking place on the A361 near Old Bonhams corner. Other work on road widening will be carried out in February. This will result in single lane road closures controlled by traffic lights In the Spring there will be further work on the A361 at the North and South entrances to the village and by the Bus Stop. These will involve complete road closures. There will also be road closures at Chipping Warden at about the same time. Wardington Parish Council demanded a meeting with HS2/Fusion to discuss the impact of these closures. There were even rumours of the Stagecoach 200 bus service being suspended. At

VE Day celebrations

This year, the early May bank holiday is being moved from the 1st Monday of May to Friday 8th to coincide with the 75th anniversary of VE Day. We are looking for ideas of how to celebrate this monumental day. Got an idea?  Then please get in touch with any of the Parish Councillors or email