Time to book your tickets for Wardington Village Cinema
On Friday 21st July (next week) Wardington Village Cinema will be showing the film "Lion" - So it's time to book your tickets! Lion is the incredible true story about a five-year-old Indian boy named Saroo, whose life is changed in 1986 after being separated from his idolised older brother, ending up more than a thousand miles from his home and family. Tickets £6.50 standard, £4.50 concessions. Doors open at 7.15pm with the film starting at 8pm. There will be a half time interval when free ice-creams will be severed. There will also be a raffle (prize contributions will be gratefully accepted). If you plan to attend please let either Paul (758855) or Sam (750871) know, or email wardingtoncinema@hotmail.com, so we