
ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot Following the temporary closure of the A361 the Stagecoach 200 Bus Service to Banbury has been unable to run. The Parish Council again has been in contact with the ABILITY Local Community Bus Service who are able to help. Originally the Ability service was setup in April 2022 following the notification that Stagecoach were to withdraw the Daventry to Banbury service. However, this did not happen and the Ability service was rarely used. Ability are able to operate a regular service into Banbury on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If you require another route, let ABILITY know. Future services will depend on supply and demand. There are 3 different membership categories: Pick-up and

Flood in Upper Wardington

Flood in Upper Wardington Wardington Parish Council have been in contact with OCC Engagement Team for Highway Maintenance  regarding this problem. Since then, the drains have been pumped but with no significant result. The issue has now been escalated via the OCC Engagement team to the Land Drainage Officer and we have stressed that this is an emergency priority. When action will be taken, we have no time frame, we can only hope that it is sooner rather than later. The parish council understand that residents are becoming more and more disgruntled. However, the parish council cannot resolve the problem on its own, it can only report and apply pressure to the responsible authorities. Wardington Parish Council

Christmas Fundraising Draw 2024 Reminder

REMINDER TO GET YOUR TICKETS! St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, Christmas Fundraising Draw. ENTER ON-LINE - CLICK HERE! Join our Church Christmas Fund Raising Appeal with Prizes to be won too! Prizes to include: • Long week-end in cottage in Yorkshire Dales (donated By Roderick & Nikki Stell) • Festive Christmas Hamper • Meal for two at Hare & Hounds • Gin Cocktail Mixing Kit • Champagne • Barn Farm Plants £30 Voucher • Mumford Butchers £10 Voucher • Wine & Wine glasses (donated by Majestic Wine) • More Wine glasses (donated by Majestic Wine) • Case of Carlsberg Lager FOLLOW THIS LINK to the ticket page. Pledge the number of tickets @ £5 each you want and pay by

Reminder: Carols on the Green, Wed 18th Dec at 6pm

This year's Carols on the Green is from 6pm to 6:45pm on Wednesday 18th December on the green in Upper Wardington. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served, along with hot chocolate, stollen and sausage rolls! We will be collecting for the Friends of St Mary Magdalene - please bring some cash and give generously. The drinks and food are free, however we greatly appreciate a donation of at least £2 each. The event will last for 45 minutes. Carols A4 poster 2024

Christmas Fundraising Draw 2024 Reminder

REMINDER TO GET YOUR TICKETS! St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, Christmas Fundraising Draw. ENTER ON-LINE - CLICK HERE! Join our Church Christmas Fund Raising Appeal with Prizes to be won too! Prizes to include: • Long week-end in cottage in Yorkshire Dales (donated By Roderick & Nikki Stell) • Festive Christmas Hamper • Meal for two at Hare & Hounds • Gin Cocktail Mixing Kit • Champagne • Barn Farm Plants £30 Voucher • Mumford Butchers £10 Voucher • Wine & Wine glasses (donated by Majestic Wine) • More Wine glasses (donated by Majestic Wine) • Case of Carlsberg Lager FOLLOW THIS LINK to the ticket page. Pledge the number of tickets @ £5 each you want and pay by

Notice of Vacancy

NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF PARISH COUNCILLOR PARISH OF WARDINGTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that Alexandra Gordon-Finlayson has ceased to be a member of Wardington Parish Council, and that a vacancy now exists in the office of Councillor for the said Parish Council. In accordance with the Local Elections Rules an election to fill the vacancy shall be held if, within 14 days after the date of this notice (i.e. no later than 30 December 2024), a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Cherwell District Council, Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury OX15 4AA by TEN electors for the

A361 – Road Closure between Wardington and Chipping Warden

A361 - Road Closure between Wardington and Chipping Warden This morning 2nd December 2024 we received the follow message from Cllr George Reynolds:- I have been contacted about the road closure. Apparently a sink hole has appeared but OCC think the bridge is okay but they will need to wait for the water to go down or ditches cleared so it can drain away before they examine the bridge structure. Then they will have to  do repairs Clearly this will all take time so do not expect a quick opening of the road. I have made the point that they must work with HS2 to prevent their traffic using the minor roads. I suspect there is not a lot can

Christmas Charity Evening

The annual Christmas Charity Evening held at Barn Farm Plants Garden Centre is on Tuesday 26th November  - 5.30pm - 7.30pm. Entry £3 (16's and under free) The evening is in aid of Katharine House Hospice and Dogs for Good. Come and enjoy a festive evening with glass of mulled wine, Christmas shopping with 20% OFF the Christmas Shop, festive drink sampling and fresh foliage arrangement demo. An Evening not to miss!  

Carols on the Green, Wed 18th Dec at 6pm

This year's Carols on the Green is from 6pm to 6:45pm on Wednesday 18th December on the green in Upper Wardington. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served, along with hot chocolate, stollen and sausage rolls! We will be collecting for the Friends of St Mary Magdalene - please bring some cash and give generously. The drinks and food are free, however we greatly appreciate a donation of at least £2 each. The event will last for 45 minutes. Carols A4 poster 2024

Wardington Parish Council Response to Huscote Farm Planning Appeal

The following objection has been submitted to the planning inspectorate on behalf of Wardington Parish Council in relation to the Huscote Farm planning appeal: Wardington Parish Council supports the Objections raised by Parish Councils in West Northants including our neighbouring Parish of Chacombe The Objections submitted by Wardington Parish Council  are as follows: Summary: The size of the proposed development Yet more unsightly warehousing The employment created will be mainly low skilled and low paid Not consistent with the CDC Local Plan and its aspirations It will put yet more pressure on the already congested and air polluted Junction 11 area It will result in the permanent loss of an environmentally and visually important area of countryside 1.The Size of

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