Garden Club

BBC Gardeners World in Wardington

Gardeners World, this Friday at 20:00 on BBC2, will feature Pettifers garden in Wardington. Presenter Rachel de Thame continues to explore the ingenious power that flowers use to attract pollinating insects. For anyone not familiar with Pettifers, you can find out more on their website, If you're interested in gardens and gardening, the Wardington Garden Club regularly visits some wonderful gardens, including Pettifers.

Wardington Garden Club – AGM Tuesday 26th March at 7.30pm

Do you enjoy looking at gardens? Did you know Wardington has a Garden club? We have about 5 garden visits a year and an AGM on 26th March. Most garden visits take place between April & September on a Tuesday early evening. If you would like to join or find out more, please contact Malcolm Patterson or Ginny Steven The AGM is on Tuesday 26th March at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. Come along for a glass of wine, enter the raffle and sign up. Membership £10 per year which entitles you to 10% off at Farnborough Garden Centre. No gardening knowledge required - just enthusiasm!

Garden Club first visit of the season Thursday 25th May

Our first Wardington Garden Club 2023 visit is on Thursday May 25 at 6.30 It is to the garden of Richard and Daphne Preston Primrose Garden North Side Steeple Aston OX25 4SE   Richard will put an A Frame on the pavement to make it easy to find. There is parking on site for 6 cars. Others can park on the street.   Richard came and gave us a very interesting talk about the history and development of Primrose Garden at our annual meeting in March. Now we have the chance to see it for ourselves. Other Garden Clubs tell me it is well worth seeing. Tea and a slice of Daphne’s cake will be provided. Could you let me

Garden Club 2023 programme

The Wardington Garden Club is delighted to publish its 2023 programme. Potential Members and Guests are welcome to come to any of our meetingsFor further information please contact Malcolm Patterson (01295 750014) TimeDetailsWednesday 29 March at 7.30pmWardington Memorial HallTalk by Richard Preston of Primrose Gardens, Steeple Aston.We will be visiting Primrose Gardens in May. This introductory talk by Richard will cover the interesting history and development of the gardens and enhance the May visit. Richard Preston and his garden are a favourite with Garden Clubs.A short AGM will follow. Wine and soft drinks provided.Thursday 25 May at 6.30pmDepart Village Hall at 5.50pmVisit to Primrose Garden, North Side, Steeple Aston, OX25 4SEAn interesting and delightful garden courtesy of Richard and Daphne Preston.

Wardington Garden Club – Illustrated talk Fri 29th Nov at 7:30pm

Wardington Garden Club Autumn Colour & Interest in the Garden an illustrated talk by Duncan Coombs Recently retired from Pershore College, Duncan is a well-known and popular speaker Friday November 29th 7.30pm Wardington Memorial Hall All welcome. Wine & soft drinks provided Small charge for non-members

Wardington Garden Club

The Garden Club AGM was well attended. We had a good discussion about how we move forward. Everyone wants the Club to continue Jane Pearson will not be continuing as Secretary for reasons we all understand. She and Andrew will remain Members Jane was thanked by everyone and was presented with a very nice bottle by Bridget As a result of the request for new volunteers Bridget will take responsibility for arranging visits with the help of Norman and Jane Hudson. Other Members are asked to help with ideas and recruiting potential new Members. The point was made that guests are always welcome to our visits and meetings The final copy of the Programme for 2019 is shown below As

Wardington Garden Club 2017 – AGM

Wardington Garden Club 2017 The Club visits gardens and other places of interest locally through the summer. There is a Produce and Craft Show in September and another indoor event during the winter. Our members represent all sizes and types of garden. Some are keen gardeners. Some just enjoy looking at gardens. Some just like spending an evening with local friends. All are welcome. Our year starts with the AGM on Wednesday March 29 *********************************** AGM: Wednesday March 29 Time: 7.45pm Venue: The Memorial Hall *********************************** Come and collect your Programme and Discount Cards Wine, soft drinks and nibbles provided Potential Members and Guests welcome *********************************** Further information from Secretary Jane Pearson (01295) 750316 Treasurer Malcolm Patterson (01295) 750014