General interest


To All Local Residents - An important message from Rosy Burke of Chacombe regarding the possible new service station at M40 Junction 11: Hi all, IMPORTANT - TIME LIMIT Not sure if you are aware that the Eurogarages Service Station has reared its impossible head again? Cherwell District Council - Eurogarages Planning Application - Comments for Planning Application 17/01044/F Please do go onto the CDC planning website if you have any comments to make - we must keep up the level of interest - Eurogarages have cynically put in with just a short time to comment before Christmas. Rosy Burke (contact details below) Development of land to the north east of Junction 11 of the M40 Banbury, to provide a

Wardington Village Cinema Needs YOU!

With the latest screening at Wardington Village Cinema this Friday (8th December) we only have 6 people confirmed as attending! Please support us so we can continue to provide this professionally screened cinema experience for the village.  Please let either Sam (01295 750 871) or Paul (01295 758 855) or email if you plan to attend. We are showing "The Light Between Oceans" which has very good reviews and should give everyone an enjoyable social evening.  We hope to see you on Friday. Tickets: £6.50 Standard £4.50 Standard.

Time to book your tickets for “The Light Between Oceans”

Wardington Village Cinema are screening "The Light Between Oceans" in just 9 days on Friday 8th December.  So it is time to let us know if you plan to attend, by calling either Sam (01295 750 871) or Paul (01295 758 855) or emailing "The Light Between The Oceans"  is the story of Tom Sherbourne, a lighthouse keeper and his adored wife Isabel (Alicia Vikander) who discover a baby adrift in a boat off the remote coast of Western Australia, they must make a choice. When they decide to raise the child as their own, the shattering consequences of this choice change their lives forever. As usual, your entry price (£6.50 Standard, £4.50 Concessions) provides you with a fun social evening with professionally screened

Wardington Village Cinema to screen “The Light Between Oceans”

On Friday 8th December, Wardington Village Cinema will be screening "The Light Between Oceans". Featuring an incredible cast including Michael Fassbender, Alicia Vikander and Rachel Weisz, The Light Between Oceans is the story of Tom Sherbourne, a lighthouse keeper and his adored wife Isabel (Alicia Vikander) who discover a baby adrift in a boat off the remote coast of Western Australia, they must make a choice. When they decide to raise the child as their own, the shattering consequences of this choice change their lives forever. Doors open at 7.15, and Tickets are priced £4.50 for concessions and £6.50 standard. There will be a half time interval to chat, enjoy a free ice-cream and hopefully win a wonderful prize in our raffle (prize donations will


November is not too early to start thinking about next Spring. Robert Longstaff, well known speaker and founder of the Oxford Garden Project, is coming to Wardington to talk about Community Garden Projects. They are a community activity for people of all ages They promote the value of fresh fruit and vegetables They give young people in particular hands on experience of nature at work THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16 7.30PM WARDINGTON MEMORIAL HALL Do come and join us Wine & Soft Drinks provided Garden Club Members free Visitors & Guests £2 You will be very welcome Further Information: Malcolm Patterson 01295 750014

Fourth Cinema Season Celebration

It's not too late to book your place at this Friday's village cinema performance.  We are celebrating a fourth year of screening films to the village at the memorial hall, and will be doing so with a colonial style themed social evening. The evening will start earlier than usual at 7pm to allow time to enjoy a Raj style buffet spread, followed by the film "Viceroy's House".  We will however have the usual raffle in the half time interval (prize donations gratefully received) and encourage the audience to stay on after to socialise further. If you do plan to come, please let us know so we can cater for the correct numbers - Telephone Paul Bimson on 01295 758855 or

Time to book your tickets

Tickets are selling fast for Wardington Village Cinema's screening of Viceroy's House next Friday (6th October). So, to avoid disappointment, book your tickets now by calling either Paul (01295 778855) or Sam (01295 750871) or email We look forward to seeing you for this special colonial style themed evening to celebrate a fourth successful year of Wardington Village Cinema.

Minutes of Wardington Parish Council Meeting – 5th September 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting   Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 5th September 2017, (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr G Martin, Mr A Crossley, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Mrs A Gordon-Finlayson Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mrs A Pascoe, Cllr G Reynolds, Mr I Franklin In the absence of Mr Bankes, Mr Patterson chaired the meeting. Agenda Items Minutes of previous meetings: 25th July 2017 approved and signed Matters arising from previous minutes: 2.1  HS2 Update: Meeting with OCC Highways & Police (full notes from the meeting available for perusal upon request) The proposed 20 mph limit in the village has been deemed unenforceable and unnecessary due to low incident rate; speed cameras

Hannah Phillips’ Skydive

Hannah Phillips is a resident of Upper Wardington and granddaughter of 99-year-old Evelyne Phillips.  I am doing a skydive for Alopecia UK because the condition needs more awareness Alopecia - the partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows; baldness I have had Alopecia Areata since I was 7 years old which then progressed into Alopecia Universalis 2 years ago. It is a condition that no one knows what the cause is and there is no cure for it. It started off as slight hair loss when i was 7-8 and it would come and go then at the age of 13 it came out in clumps and didn't grow back, I wait in

Cinema Celebration – Friday October 6th

To celebrate four successful years of screening films in the Memorial Hall, Wardington Village Cinema are putting on a special evening screening Viceroy's House on Friday 6th October at 7pm. Special ticket price includes the film and themed supper:  £6.50 for concessions and £8.50 standard. There will also be a raffle—donations of raffle prizes are gratefully accepted. Viceroy’s House in Delhi was the home of the British rulers of India. After 300 years, that rule was coming to an end. For 6 months in 1947, Lord Mountbatten, great grandson of Queen Victoria, assumed the post of the last Viceroy, charged with handing India back to its people. The film’s story unfolds within that great House. Upstairs lived Mountbatten together with his