General interest

Promotional message from Laura Marshall

Many of you will know Laura Marshall's mother, Jane Humber, who lives in Williamscot. Laura is promoting Utility Warehouse which she says can save you significant sums from your utility bills. She asks that anybody who is interested in finding out more clicks the link here: which explains everything. This link contains Laura's reseller reference code and anybody who signs up through clicking it will directly support her.

HS2 Disaster’s Petition

HS2 Disaster's Petition Below you have the opportunity to have your say and stop this project , “Chris Grayling MP: Cancel HS2 Immediately and cut all its funding..” This is extremely important and if you agree, then please sign and forward it too.. Here’s the link:   Wardington HS2 Action Group

Cropredy Surgery Drop-in Flu Clinic 30th Sept.

Flu Jabs at Cropredy Surgery 30 September 2017 Now the summer holidays are just about over, it’s time to think about coming for your flu jab so that you can tackle the winter bugs. As usual, we are holding our Saturday morning vaccination session on 30 September between 8.30 am and 1.00 pm. If you are pregnant, aged 65+, a carer, have a BMI of 40+ or in one of the ‘at risk’ groups (asthmatic, diabetic etc.) and usually have a flu jab from us just drop in on the day. Children aged 2 and 3, as well as those aged up to 17 years in the ‘at risk’ groups may have the nasal spray. If you are lucky enough

Tabby cat killed on A361

It has been reported that sadly a tabby cat was found dead on the A361 outside "Judges" this weekend. If you or anyone you know is missing this cat, we are sorry to be the bearers of bad news.

Draft minutes of the Wardington Parish Council meeting, 25th July 2017

Draft Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 25th July, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr N Bankes (Chair), Mr M Patterson, Mr G Page, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin,                  Mrs A Pascoe, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk),  G Reynolds (County Cllr) Parishioners: Ms L Gordon-Finlayson Apologies: Mr A Crossley 1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (20th June, 2017) approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. This item was put back to deal with the more formal part of the meeting first. 3.    Planning New: 1.    7/00225/TCA – Mr Clayton, The Croft, Wardington                                          

Book your place for ‘Lion’ at the village cinema this Friday!!!

Please do let us know if you are planning to attend the village cinema this Friday (21st July) for the multi Oscar nominated and BAFTA winning film, Lion. Doors to the Village Hall open from 7.15 pm for an 8.00 pm start.  All are welcome.  Entry is £6.50 or £4.50 concessions.  Feel free to bring drinks and food along (glasses are provided) and a free choc ice is provided in the interval.  Payment accepted on the door but it would be helpful if you could please let us know if you are planning to attend (it helps ensure there are enough ice creams to go around!) Based on a true story, Lion is a moving tale of a young 5

Time to book your tickets for Wardington Village Cinema

On Friday 21st July (next week) Wardington Village Cinema will be showing the film "Lion" - So it's time to book your tickets! Lion is the incredible true story about a five-year-old Indian boy named Saroo, whose life is changed in 1986 after being separated from his idolised older brother, ending up more than a thousand miles from his home and family. Tickets £6.50 standard, £4.50 concessions. Doors open at 7.15pm with the film starting at 8pm. There will be a half time interval when free ice-creams will be severed.  There will also be a raffle (prize contributions will be gratefully accepted). If you plan to attend please let either Paul (758855) or Sam (750871) know, or email, so we

Fairport Cropredy Convention 2017 – Village Passes available

Fairport Cropredy Convention 2017  August 10th to 12th Passes available for Williamscot and Wardington residents                                      Applicants need to be permanent residents and children up to 12,                                                                                 accompanied by an adult, qualify for free admission. Pass Price £40.00 Contact: Ian Fuller Stonebrook House, Williamscot, OX17 1AB Tel: 01295 750926 or 07541 833399 e-mail:

Missing cat “Duster” – £150 reward

Has anyone seen our little cat, Duster? He's neutered, 1 yr old and lost in the Wardington area. He's been missing since the end of May. He's small, completely black with yellow eyes. His tail is bushier than the rest of his coat. A really lovely little cat. Please contact me on 07799 387 080 or Our other cat (and us) is really missing him... Thanks. Jodie Armore-White

Draft minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting, 20th June 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 20th June, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr M Patterson, Mr G Page, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe,      Mr A Crossley, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Parishioners: Mr C Hunt Apologies: Mr N Bankes   In the absence of Mr Bankes, the meeting was chaired by Mr Patterson (Vice Chairman). On behalf of the Parish Council, Mr Patterson thanked Mr Page and extended its appreciation for his chairmanship over the past years.   1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (23rd May 2017) approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes (1). 2.1 M40 Junction 11, proposed Service Station Mr Jarrett informed council that the planning