General interest

HS2 proposed mitigation measures on A361 affecting Wardington

HS2 proposed mitigation measures on A361 affecting Wardington The link below is the Wardington Parish Council's response to OCC Highways, in respect to the HS2 proposed mitigating measures to the A361. This was also sent to HS2 In summary the HS2 proposals cover:- Carriageway widening to three bends through the village. Changes/movement to speed limit signs with vehicle activated signs on entrance to village, with various road markings. Installation of a puffin crossing for the bus stop, (unlikely to be approved by OCC). Additional chevron signing at the bottom of Williamscot Hill. HS2_MitigatingMeasuresResponse_Jun2017   Wardington Parish Council

LION – Friday 21st July – Wardington Village Cinema

Set Friday 21st of July as a date in your diaries, for this is when Wardington Village Cinema will be next screening the film voted by the previous events audience! This time we will be showing "Lion" that follows the journey of Saroo (Dev Patel), an Indian man who tries to locate his biological family.  Found wandering the streets of Calcutta, India when he was five, many miles from his original home - Eventually Saroo is adopted by an Australian couple, and finds love and security as he grows up in Hobart, NZ.  Not wanting to hurt his adoptive parents feelings, he suppresses his past, his emotional need for reunification, and his hope of ever finding his lost mother and

Scarecrow Competition – The Winner!

The magnificent winning entry of this weekend's Scarecrow Competition was "Jack and the Beanstalk" by Macey & Jude Batchelor in the Greensward. Many congratulations to the winners. "Jack & the Beanstalk" by Macey & Jude Batchelor

Wardington Parish Council Accounting Statement – Year ending 31st March 2017

Wardington Parish Council Accounting Statement – Year ending 31st March 2017 Below is a link to a copy of the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statement for the year ending 31st March 2017. The Account Statement has been subject to an internal audit and has now been presented for an external audit and subject to change. WPC_Account_Statement_2016_17 I also include a link to the statement of public rights to inspect the accounts. WPC_Period_of_Inspection Bob Jarrett Parish Clerk On behalf of Wardington Parish Council

Time to book your tickets for this Friday’s cinema night!

Please book your tickets as soon as possible for this Friday's  screening (19th May) of "The Girl on the Train". Join us to enjoy this thriller that was chosen by the previous audience of Wardington Village Cinema: "After Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) is divorced by her husband, she hates riding to work on the train each morning and seeing her ex-husband living in their old house with his new wife. To distract herself, Rachel focuses on their happily married neighbours, Megan and Scott Hipwell instead. One day, as she passes on the train, she sees something shocking. The next morning, Rachel wakes up with an awful hangover, no memory of yesterday, and several wounds. She has a vague feeling that

Wardington Parish Council – AGM

NOTICE OF MEETING WARDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Memorial Hall, Wardington on Tuesday, 23th May 2017, at 7:00pm The meeting is open to the public and all residents are cordially invited.  

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting – 18th April 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 18th April, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chairman), Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk) Parishioners: Ms C Jokumsen, Mr N Bond.    Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr A Crossley, Mrs A Pascoe 1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (21st March, 2017) approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. 2.1 HS2 Update Mr G Page reported that the Wardington HS2 Action Group was meeting with OCC Highways on the 27th April for an update on the HS2 mitigation measures and how these are addressing the points listed in the OCC Risk Register. Ms Jokumsen and

Wardington Garden Club 2017 programme

Wednesday 29 March at 7.45pm AGM in the Village Hall Wednesday 26 April at 7.30pm Illustrated talk about tulips, Wardington Manor Courtesy of Bridget Elworthy Monday 5 June at 6.30pm Visit to The Rectory, Main Street, Aston-le-Walls, NN11 6UF Meet at Village Hall 6.00pm. Courtesy of Phillip Astley-Jones Sunday 11 June at 2.00pm Wardington Village Fete (A Celebration of Flowers), Wardington Manor Wednesday 28 June at 6.30pm Visit to Lois Weedon House, Weedon Lois, Northants, NN12 8PJ Meet at Village Hall 6.00pm. Courtesy of Lady Sue Greenaway Wednesday 12 July at 6.30pm Visit to Rousham Park & Gardens, Rousham, OX25 4QU Depart Village Hall at 5.55pm. Courtesy of Charles Cottrell-Dormer Saturday 2 September at 2.30pm Flower Show Village Hall. Booking-in Friday

Girl on the train

The next film screening for Wardington Village Cinema is "Girl on the Train" on Friday 19th May. This film was chosen by attendees of the last film and is a thriller based on the 2015 best selling novel by Paula Hawkins. Put the date in your diary and let Paul (758855) or Sam (750871) know if you plan to attend.