General interest

Time to book your tickets for this Friday’s cinema night!

Please book your tickets as soon as possible for this Friday's  screening (19th May) of "The Girl on the Train". Join us to enjoy this thriller that was chosen by the previous audience of Wardington Village Cinema: "After Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) is divorced by her husband, she hates riding to work on the train each morning and seeing her ex-husband living in their old house with his new wife. To distract herself, Rachel focuses on their happily married neighbours, Megan and Scott Hipwell instead. One day, as she passes on the train, she sees something shocking. The next morning, Rachel wakes up with an awful hangover, no memory of yesterday, and several wounds. She has a vague feeling that

Wardington Parish Council – AGM

NOTICE OF MEETING WARDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council will be held in the Memorial Hall, Wardington on Tuesday, 23th May 2017, at 7:00pm The meeting is open to the public and all residents are cordially invited.  

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting – 18th April 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 18th April, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chairman), Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk) Parishioners: Ms C Jokumsen, Mr N Bond.    Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr A Crossley, Mrs A Pascoe 1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (21st March, 2017) approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. 2.1 HS2 Update Mr G Page reported that the Wardington HS2 Action Group was meeting with OCC Highways on the 27th April for an update on the HS2 mitigation measures and how these are addressing the points listed in the OCC Risk Register. Ms Jokumsen and

Wardington Garden Club 2017 programme

Wednesday 29 March at 7.45pm AGM in the Village Hall Wednesday 26 April at 7.30pm Illustrated talk about tulips, Wardington Manor Courtesy of Bridget Elworthy Monday 5 June at 6.30pm Visit to The Rectory, Main Street, Aston-le-Walls, NN11 6UF Meet at Village Hall 6.00pm. Courtesy of Phillip Astley-Jones Sunday 11 June at 2.00pm Wardington Village Fete (A Celebration of Flowers), Wardington Manor Wednesday 28 June at 6.30pm Visit to Lois Weedon House, Weedon Lois, Northants, NN12 8PJ Meet at Village Hall 6.00pm. Courtesy of Lady Sue Greenaway Wednesday 12 July at 6.30pm Visit to Rousham Park & Gardens, Rousham, OX25 4QU Depart Village Hall at 5.55pm. Courtesy of Charles Cottrell-Dormer Saturday 2 September at 2.30pm Flower Show Village Hall. Booking-in Friday

Girl on the train

The next film screening for Wardington Village Cinema is "Girl on the Train" on Friday 19th May. This film was chosen by attendees of the last film and is a thriller based on the 2015 best selling novel by Paula Hawkins. Put the date in your diary and let Paul (758855) or Sam (750871) know if you plan to attend.

Village Spring Clean REMINDER – Saturday 8th April 2017

JOIN OUR LOCAL SPRING CLEAN Saturday 8th April 2017 Volunteers to meet at Barn Farm Plants between 10:00am – 10:30am All equipment for the Clean-up provided. No Cars to be left in the car park during the clean. Join the ‘Spring Clean’ weekend and let’s clean up our village. The Spring Clean is organised by the Environmental Services team at Cherwell District Council who provide everything except for the labour. That is left to the willingness of the local parishioners to get the better of the litter louts and to clean up with a personal touch. Please help and enjoy a few hours litter-picking to make the village where we live more beautiful. We want to attack the blight of litter and

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting – March 21st 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 21st March, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chairman), Mr M Patterson, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk) Parishioners: Mr C Hunt. Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mr A Crossley, Mr K Atack. 1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (10th January 2017 & 14th February 2017) approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. 2.1 HS2 Update Mr G Page reported that HS2 had had another meeting with OCC highways regarding mitigating measures for the increase in traffic through Wardington planned during the construction of HS2. OCC has informed us of the outcome, updating their Risk Register with the HS2

Protect Cherwell’s future

Cherwell District Council are asking for your support to stop Oxfordshire County Council plans to abolish it and replace it with a single unitary authority for the whole of the county. The link below is a letter from Cllr Barry Wood explaining the situation:- Save_CDC_letter Save_CDC_petition You can sign the petition at:- Wardington Parish Council        

Village Spring Clean 2017

JOIN OUR LOCAL SPRING CLEAN Saturday 8th April 2017 Volunteers to meet at Barn Farm Plants between 10:00am – 10:30am All equipment for the Clean-up provided. No Cars to be left in the car park during the clean. Join the ‘Spring Clean’ weekend and let’s clean up our village. The Spring Clean is organised by the Environmental Services team at Cherwell District Council who provide everything except for the labour. That is left to the willingness of the local parishioners to get the better of the litter louts and to clean up with a personal touch. Please help and enjoy a few hours litter-picking to make the village where we live more beautiful. We want to attack the blight of litter and