General interest

Williamscot Art Week 20th & 21st May 2023

Williamscot Art Group Oxfordshire Artworks No.s 178 and 179   David Shapiro, Julie Herd and Juliet Bankes are opening two studios this weekend at Cannon's Yard and The Studio in the Wood Williamscot.     Open Saturday 20 May  Noon - 8.00pm  this includes the Private View with wine and nibbles. Open Sunday 21 May Noon - 5.00pm

Captain Tom’s Flag by Roderick Stell

“Tomorrow will be a good day” is the expression of hope for the future which many of us associate with the late Captain Tom Moore. He caught the public’s eye when, one hundred years of age, he set out to raise some money for the NHS by walking round his garden with his Zimmer-frame, this was in gratitude for the care he received during a life-threatening illness. Caught up by the media, the few hundred pounds he had hoped to raise became millions. Captain Tom’s autobiography of 2020 came to my attention after his death because he was well-known for his roots in Keighley, my own home town, and I discovered that he and my father had both served in

Proposal To Build Third Warehouse Next To Two Existing Empty Warehouses

Following the withdrawal of the controversial planning application to build a hotel, offices and other complexes on the land off A361 M40, J11, a new application has now been submitted to Cherwell District Council for permission to build a third warehouse on this land.... Comments Close: 30th March 2023 Sign the petition - CLICK HERE.

HS2 Notice: Delivery of Tunnel Segments – 12 March

Notice from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 - Delivery of Tunnel Segments - 12 March We just wanted to write to let you know there will be a delivery of tunnel segments to Chipping Warden on Sunday 12 March, with a back-up date of Sunday 19 March. As previously, the road will need to be closed between 5am and 9am. We will need a southbound carriageway closure of the A361 to allow the wide load to safely pass through the narrow sections of highway near Wardington. This is the same closure area that we used for our previous deliveries. Please follow the link below for further information and the route map. AWN-Notice-of-precast-delivery-Chipping-Warden-March-2023.pdf ( Haidee Williams Engagement Advisor

Notice of Making of Order – Wardington Footpath No. 4 (part) – Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2023

NOTICE OF MAKING OF         PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION ORDER AND DEFINITIVE MAP AND STATEMENT MODIFICATION ORDER HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981   The Oxfordshire County Council, Wardington Footpath No. 4 (part), Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2023 On 6th February 2023, the Oxfordshire County made the above Order under s119 of the Highways Act 1980. The Order, if confirmed, will divert the public path as described and shown in the Order. Please find attached a copy of the Order, public Notice and a statement which explains the background to the proposal, the reasons for making the Order, and how objections or representations may be made. 03699 Wardington Notice Wardington 4 Explanatory statement 03699

HS2 – Abnormal loads arriving at Chipping Warden Compound this week.

HS2 - Abnormal loads arriving at Chipping Warden Compound this week. Notice from EKFB working on behalf of HS2. We have some long steel beam sections arriving at Chipping Warden Compound this week. They will be travelling from the Banbury area, via the A361 as abnormal loads. The police escort, which is required for some of the deliveries, may require a very brief halt of traffic at certain junctions or narrow sections of highway. Tuesday 31st January  - 1 delivery, no police escort required  Wednesday 1st February  - 3 deliveries, 2 of which will require a police escort  Friday 3rd February – 2 deliveries, both with a police escort These will pass along the A361 through Wardington and at the

Update on A361 closures

Update on A361 closures Please Note: The two-week night-time closures of A361 for survey work is no longer proceeding. The survey work was planned for Monday 9 January to Saturday 21 January 2023 – no longer going ahead. Other work taking place: There is a very short period of closure required for some line painting under the temporary bridge near our compound on the A361. The lines there are faded at that location, and so to improve safety, a line painting contractor be attending and the road will be shut for a maximum of 4 hours to carry out the work.   We have published a works notice, which I have attached and summarised below: Notice of night-time temporary closure,

LAST CHANCE TO COMMENT: Construction of up to 140,000 sq m on the A361

This is your final chance to comment on this MASSIVE grey box development on the A361. The plan is to cover the farmland opposite the new grey box warehouses with acres of similar eyesores. You may also be interested in the "Keep Nethercote Rural" Facebook page:  Comments close on 1st December 2022 Neighbour Notification (amended details) Application No.: 22/01488/OUT Applicant's Name: Greystoke CB Proposal: Construction of up to 140,000 sq m of employment floorspace (use class B8 with ancillary offices and facilities) and servicing and infrastructure including new site accesses, internal roads and footpaths, landscaping including earthworks to create development platforms and bunds, drainage features and other associated works including demolition of the existing farmhouse Location: OS Parcel 5616

Construction of up to 140,000 sq m of employment floorspace opposite the new grey boxes on the A361

Neighbour Notification (amended details) Application No.: 22/01488/OUT Applicant's Name: Greystoke CB Proposal: Construction of up to 140,000 sq m of employment floorspace (use class B8 with ancillary offices and facilities) and servicing and infrastructure including new site accesses, internal roads and footpaths, landscaping including earthworks to create development platforms and bunds, drainage features and other associated works including demolition of the existing farmhouse Location: OS Parcel 5616 South West Of Huscote Farm And East Of, Daventry Road, Banbury Parish(es): Banbury Expected Decision Level: Committee Plans and documents can be viewed on the Council's on-line register at If you do not have access to the website, you may inspect the submitted plans and documents at Bodicote House on one of

HS2 REMINDER – Chipping Warden temporary bridge installation

Chipping Warden temporary bridge installation A reminder that we will be installing a temporary bridge across the A361, next to our compound in Chipping Warden, this weekend:  This will require the closure of the A361, near Chipping Warden, 8pm Friday 14 October through to 6am Monday 17 October. The work notice for the Chipping Warden bridge installation is available on the following link: Notice-of-weekend-closures-for-bridge-installation-A361-Chipping-Warden-1.pdf (  We plan to install the bridge over two weekends with a further two weekend closure periods planned as a contingency. A section of the A361 Byfield Road will be closed 24 hours a day over a period of up to 4 weekends beginning Friday 14 October to Monday 7 November 2022. These closures will commence