Wardington Playground

New Trim Trail

Urgent Help Needed to Spread Woodchips


The new Trim Trail, funded by the Parish Council, is now installed. The official safety inspection will be on Wednesday July 5. Once this is successfully completed the fencing will be removed and the Trim Trail can be opened.

For it to pass the safety inspection we have to spread woodchips across the area. These will be arriving on site next Wednesday, June 28. Many thanks to Councillor George Page for looking after the delivery for us.

Between Thursday June 29th and Tuesday July 4th, volunteers are urgently needed for spreading the woodchips.

Please contact Malcolm Patterson, 01295 750014 (there is an answerphone) or by email: theoldgranary5@gmail.com if you are willing to help.

Please help if you can.


Malcolm Patterson

Wardington Parish Council