Notice of overnight road closure and traffic lights A361, Chipping Warden

Notice of overnight road closure and traffic lights A361, Chipping Warden. Message from EKFB (working on behalf of HS2) We will be carrying out routine maintenance and safety inspections on the temporary bridge over the A361 near Chipping Warden. To conduct this work safely we will be closing the A361 for one night from 8.30pm Friday 14 March to 5.30am Saturday 15 March 2025. Please see the attached notice or link to the website, which includes the signed diversion route. Notice of overnight road closure and traffic lights A361 Chipping Warden Feb 25 Notice of overnight road closure A361, Chipping Warden - HS2  Throughout March we will be working over weekends, near our compound entrance, as part of the preparations

Wardington update from OCC Highways

Wardington update from OCC Highways Following last Tuesday's meeting (28/01/2025) with Matthew Timms, OCC Highways Engagement, he has reported the following actions for Wardington. As requested, a couple of the urgent potholes on Edgcote Road have been made safe this week. A thorough inspection of the carriageway and footway surfaces on Edgcote Road, Thorpe Road, Wardington Road, and the link road between Thorpe Road will occur during the week commencing the 3rd of February. Areas meeting the criteria of our Highway Safety Inspection Policy will be actioned accordingly. For further guidance, please refer to Oxfordshire County Council's road repairs page - https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/transport-and-travel/street-maintenance-z/road-repairs#paragraph-8071  Our Cyclical Maintenance Team will reach out to Steve (site manager) from The Manor to discuss proposals around

Flood in Thorpe Road, Upper Wardington.

Flood in Thorpe Road, Upper Wardington. Wardington Parish Council have been trying to resolve this problem since November 2024. Jetting of the drains was arranged very quickly but did not solve the problem. In early December following the heavy rains the flooding was reported to OCC Highway, Engagement Team, who forward this info to the ‘land drainage officer’ to get together as soon as they are available and see what’s going on with the gully pipe and exit line into the marsh land adjacent. There was no time scale given as when this may be acted on. Prior to last evenings parish council meeting the parish clerk chased OCC again on this urgent issue, with the following reply :- “that

HS2 – Wardington Update – Changes

HS2 - Wardington Traffic Update - Changes In the recent update the diversion route for the Wardington Road closures showed the wrong route on the PDF that was circulated. Apologies, as you know already, there is no access through the Edgcote Estate to Chipping Warden.   The correct diversion is through Wardington and I have amended our maps. Our construction traffic will not be using this route through Wardington, it is purely a diversion route for members of the public who aren’t familiar with the area.    I have attached an amended version of the 'lookahead' presentation to this email with the map change. The 1 day Wardington Road closure planned for 15 January has been cancelled.  The survey work planned

Traffic management (traffic light area) on the A361 during August

Traffic management (traffic light area) on the A361 during August Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 We will soon start to prepare the verges of the A361 for the highway realignment, over the Chipping Warden Green Tunnel. This is first phase is early preparatory work, with the new section of highway being constructed during spring and summer 2024. In order to do this, we will be extending the area under traffic light control, near to our compound entrance. Full details of this work are available on the following link.   https://assets.hs2.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/AWN-Notice-of-traffic-management-A361-Chipping-Warden-August-2023_PDF.pdf   A section of the A361 will have temporary traffic management in the form of traffic lights 24 hours a day, from 14 August 2023, for approximately 6

A361 – Early morning temporary closure on 20 August 2023

A361 - Early morning temporary closure on 20 August 2023 Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2. As you may recall from our activities last year, some of our wider precast sections of tunnel require a road closure to travel from Banbury to Chipping Warden. The vast majority of the precast units pass each day without this. The southbound carriageway of the A361 will be closed off-peak, for a maximum period of between 5am and 9am, on  Sunday 20 August 2023, with a back up date of 3 September 2023. The road may well open earlier than 9am.     The works notice is in the link below, please feel free to share with your contacts. The map shows the section of

Wardington Playground – New Trim Trail Now Open

Wardington Playground New Trim Trail Now Open The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the Trim Trial is now open for use. It passed the official safety inspection on Wednesday The safety fencing has been removed. Many thanks to the volunteers who spread the wood chippings under it on Sunday They enabled it to pass the inspection on schedule   Wardington Parish Council

Wardington Playground – Playground 200 Club

Wardington Playground Playground 200 Club After 20+ years Wardington Parish Council have taken the decision to end the Playground 200 Club Over recent years there has been a steady decline in the number of members of the Club. As a result income from this source has gradually decreased. This, coupled with recently imposed bank charges, has meant that maintaining the 200 Club is now of negligible net benefit to the upkeep of the Playground. The Parish Council recognize the importance of the Playground to the local community and are committed to maintaining it for the benefit of current and future generations. It will be funded by continuing to take advantage of grants that are available from time to time and

HS2 – Culworth Road (From Chipping Warden) Closure, 26 June to 8 July

HS2 - Culworth Road (from Chipping Warden) Closure, 26 June to 8 July Notice from EKFB on behalf of HS2 Please see the link below to the official road closure document recently published. Notice-of-road-closure-Culworth-Road-Chipping-Warden-June-2023.pdf (hs2.org.uk) A section of Culworth Road will be fully closed 24-hours a day from, Monday 26 June to Saturday 8 July 2023.  We will be carrying out survey work and for preparing the area for a storm drain to be put in across the road later in the year. ----------------------------------- Wardington Parish Council  

CONSULTATION – Wardington & Williamscot proposed 20mph Speed Limits

CONSULTATION – Wardington & Williamscot proposed 20mph Speed Limits Oxfordshire County Council wants to make our built environments safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle. To enable this, 20mph speed restrictions are being used to help promote alternative modes of transport for local travel. Further details on how the council is considering making 20mph the new 30mph for Oxfordshire communities can be found here. We're therefore asking for your views on the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit throughout Wardington (including Upper Wardington) and Williamscot, replacing the existing 30mph speed limits in their entirety in the process. The proposals are being put forward following road safety concerns raised by the parish, and form part of a countywide