Wardington News

About Andrew Steven

Resident of Upper Wardington and responsible for the development of this website.

Denise Stear – Wing walking for Katharine House Hospice

On the 1st of October I will be wing walking for Katharine House Hospice - Banbury because it provides support to patients and their families. When I first heard about wing walking I had a moment of madness where I thought 'I could do that'! My family were incredulous...I can't even go on waltzers at the fair.  Katherine House provides tremendous support to patients and their families. In the last few years I have experienced serious illness myself. I know the power of the support that was given to me by my wonderful friends and family and the professionals who worked hard to get me back to health.  I know I'll be terrified, but I hope exhilarated too. I am

Wardington Memorial Hall AGM – Wednesday 23rd September @ 7.30pm

The Memorial Hall AGM will be taking place on Wednesday 23rd September in the main hall.  The proceedings will commence at 7.30pm. AGENDA Welcome & apologies Minutes of the AGM held on 10th July 2019 (copy can be downloaded - see below) Treasurer’s Report - Accounts for Year ended 31st March 2020 Chairman's Report Hall Property Report Hall Activities Report Election of Officers & Management Committee Any Other Business ALL RESIDENTS OF WARDINGTON, WILLIAMSCOT and COTON ARE WELCOME 2019 AGM Minutes: Memorial Hall AGM - Minutes - 100719 (2

Summer pop up dinners on Wednesdays

Summer pop up dinners on Wednesdays in the Walled Garden with Lulu Cox The Land Gardeners team are all connected by a passion for nature. Be it in food, flowers, gardens or soil. Head Gardener - Charlotte Heffernan, Head of Climate Compost - Catie Jarman and Lulu Cox, former Sous chef of Rochelle Canteen, London are working with all layers of the land here at Wardington Manor, to bring you simple, delicious, nutrient dense food - grown, cooked and served with care and consideration. Join us on Wednesdays, to eat amongst the romantic gardens. From potting sheds and glasshouses to wild orchards and yew rooms... from long billowing borders to painted flower rooms, dining

Spot the Easter Egg!

Please help to keep kids occupied on their walks round the village by putting a picture or model of an egg in a window or somewhere outside your house. Obviously we can’t have a proper Easter egg hunt, so nothing that will be picked up, please. There are two eggs hanging in the windows of Tite Cottage for starters.

Spot the Easter Egg!

Please help to keep kids occupied on their walks round the village by putting a picture or model of an egg in a window or somewhere outside your house. Obviously we can’t have a proper Easter egg hunt, so nothing that will be picked up, please. There are two eggs hanging in the windows of Tite Cottage for starters.

Message from Revd Hilary Campbell

Hello everyone, An update on church services: The Church of England has confirmed that public worship is to stop for the time being.  Our usual pattern of Sunday services and other mid-week gatherings must be put on hold.  There will be changes to the way we can gather as church. We will seek to make the buildings accessible for prayer and reflection. There will be arrangements for weddings and funerals. For those who would find it helpful, we will provide prayer and reflection resources that can be used at home. We will investigate other ways of sharing times of worship. There is an invitation for this Sunday, which is Mothering Sunday, to make this a moment of coming together. We

Call My Wine Bluff is cancelled

Sadly "Call My Wine Bluff" on 4th April is cancelled. The committee would like to thank everyone for their enthusiastic support since we announced the event, and please be assured that once COVID-19 is behind us, we'll be rearranging. Very best wishes, The Friends of St Mary Magdalene.

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TONIGHT 6pm Carol Singing on the Green in Upper Wardington

Please join us THIS EVENING at 6pm. The forecast is for the rain to clear, so bring a brolly just in case and bring plenty of good cheer! We're preparing the glühwein right now! Please come and join The Friends of St Mary Magdalene for Christmas Carols round the brazier on Thursday 19th December from 6 to 6:45 pm on the Green (Old Pool) in Upper Wardington. We will be joined by the Wardington Handbell Ringers once again.  The Friends will be serving mulled wine, hot chocolate for children, mince pies, sausage rolls and stollen. There will  be a collection for the Church fabric fund to help keep the building in good repair, so please do donate generously. So, come

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Carol Singing on the Green in Upper Wardington Thursday 19th Dec. 6pm

CORRECTION. Thursday 19th Dec. Please come and join The Friends of St Mary Magdalene for Christmas Carols round the brazier on Thursday 19th December from 6 to 6:45 pm on the Green (Old Pool) in Upper Wardington. We will be joined by the Wardington Handbell Ringers once again.  The Friends will be serving mulled wine, hot chocolate for children, mince pies, sausage rolls and stollen. There will  be a collection for the Church fabric fund to help keep the building in good repair, so please do donate generously. So, come along, sing along and enjoy our annual village carols!

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Carol Singing on the Green in Upper Wardington Thursday 19th Dec. 6pm

Please come and join The Friends of St Mary Magdalene for Christmas Carols round the brazier on Thursday 19th December from 6 to 6:45 pm on the Green (Old Pool) in Upper Wardington. We will be joined by the Wardington Handbell Ringers once again.  The Friends will be serving mulled wine, hot chocolate for children, mince pies, sausage rolls and stollen. There will  be a collection for the Church fabric fund to help keep the building in good repair, so please do donate generously. So, come along, sing along and enjoy our annual village carols!

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